Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

The two boys took off again for the reservation. Mobile TV cameras, which had arrived to televise the fire-fighting action, tilted skyward for a view of the strange-looking helicopter.


“We’re carrying a tankful of extinguisher,” Tom radioed Captain Rock. “I’ll start my run now.”

“Thanks, Tom! Good luck!” came the response.

A wave of heat seared the craft’s cabin as Tom guided the graphicopter over the fire. Only his skillful piloting held the craft on course against the buffeting of the thermal updraft.

“Man! It’s like looking into an open furnace!” Bud gasped, shielding his eyes from the glare.

Tom was already manipulating the tank’s dump valve. Bud moved aft to watch as the Tomasite emulsion spewed downward in the graphicopter’s wake.

“It’s working like a charm, Tom!” he reported. “Seems to be damping out the flames.”

After several passes over one of the burning areas, Tom had completely checked the blaze.

“Sorry my tank’s empty,” Tom radioed, “otherwise I’d douse the whole fire for you.”

“No need. It’s under control now,” Captain Rock replied. “Tom, the TV boys want you to land for an interview. You’re a hero!”

The young inventor chuckled. “You’re in charge, Captain-you give ‘em an interview.

Bud and I were just the visiting firemen.”

The boys landed at the Enterprises airfield and Tom sent word to the Senior and Junior Swifts’ secretary, Miss Trent, that he would not be available to newsmen. Then he and Bud jeeped to Tom’s glass-walled private laboratory.


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