Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 22 – And His Repelatron Skyway

“Help! Catch the spy!” Tom shouted.

His yells were drowned by the blare of dance music from the patio. Tom hesitated frantically, torn between two choices. Should he go after the fleeing figure without bothering to disarm the bomb? But it might be set to explode any moment!

Turning back toward the furnace, Tom hastily disconnected the detonator. Then he followed the fugitive out the window. By now, his quarry was nowhere in sight. A short sprint across a lighted stretch of lawn had carried the “skeleton” safely off into the darkness. From the undisturbed dancing and smooth hum of conversation on the patio, it was evident that none of the guests had even noticed the intruder’s dash to escape.


Still shaken and angry, Tom returned to the house. He telephoned Ames and filled him in. “Call the police right away,” Tom said. “Maybe a scout car can spot the guy before he ditches his costume.”

“Did he arrive in a car?” Ames asked.

“I don’t know. But even behind a wheel that skeleton getup should be easy to spot.”

“Okay, skipper-glad no one got hurt. And I’ll send someone around for that bomb assembly.”

“Thanks, Harlan!” After hanging up, Tom rejoined the festivities. The party continued gaily with no one but Tom aware of their narrow escape.

Next morning the Swift and Newton families drove to the Enterprises airfield to watch the expedition’s departure. After receiving the Newtons’ good wishes, Tom got a quick kiss each from Sandy and Phyl and embraced his mother. Then Tom Sr. gripped his son’s hand warmly.

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