Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 23 – And His Aquatomic Tracker

Tom replied, “When we take off tomorrow, it’ll be in secret.”

Presently Sandy joined the boys. The three teen-agers joked and chatted for a while until Tom and Bud decided to start back to Fearing Island.

“So soon?” Sandy made a face. “It’s not even eight o’clock yet.”


Tom grinned. “Can’t miss our beauty sleep, Sis, if we expect to be in shape tomorrow.”

Just as the boys were leaving, the telephone rang.

“For you, Tom-it’s Chow,” Sandy reported.

“Boss, I think mebbe I’ve spotted that fake reporter!” the Texan babbled excitedly. “You know-Venutie Gyro, or whatever his name isl”

“You mean the one with the mustache who posed as Giraud?” Tom was instantly alert. “What’s up, Chow? Where are you calling from?”

“Can’t explain now, but I’m at that classy French restaurant, the Trianon.

Hustle here fast, boss, ‘cause the varmint may leave soon!”

Tom heard the receiver click. He related Chow’s message to the others, then took off in his low-slung silver sports car with Bud.

Meanwhile, Chow hurried back to his table and sat fidgeting impatiently. His quarry-a wiry, muscular-looking man with a mustache and dark glasses-was seated some distance away with two companions. Chow craned for a better look, but his view was partly blocked. He could see the man only in profile.

“Brand my turkey giblets, they’ve finished their de-ssenl” the Texan fretted.

“I’ve gotta get a squint at that hombre’s face! They’ll be gone before Tom gets here!”

“Monsieur is enjoying his crepes suzette?”

“Huh?” Chow looked up with a start and saw a waiter hovering at his shoulder. “Oh-er-sure,

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