Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 23 – And His Aquatomic Tracker

“We estimate five or six days, based on the speed of our ion-drive jets.”

“Isn’t it dangerous for you two fellows to be going it alone with no rescue ship to accompany you?” a writer for Worldweek magazine queried.

Tom shrugged. “We’re hoping to prove that man can truly adapt to inner space-that is, die undersea environment. The test wouldn’t mean as much if we carried it out while tied to a ship’s apron strings, so to speak.”

“Are you sure this whole thing isn’t more of a publicity stunt than a scientific experiment?” another reporter spoke up.

Bud sizzled at this remark, but Tom answered politely. “Please remember that we are not asking for publicity. This press conference was arranged only at the request of the news media.”

Other newsmen backed up Tom’s statement. Several apologized for their colleague’s heckling query.

“I just want to know if the trip will have any practical scientific value,” the reporter persisted, a bit red-faced.


“Scientists don’t always limit their research to practical matters.” Tom grinned. “However, this test will prove whether our gear can be used for survival at sea after shipwrecks and air crashes. We’re also blazing a trail for later field study of the undersea environment at firsthand by oceanographers and marine biologists. And we hope it may open new possibilities in offshore mining and oil prospecting.”

“Some experts even claim that man will have to seek new living space under the sea someday,” put in Bud. “Isn’t that right, Tom?”

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