Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 23 – And His Aquatomic Tracker

To the surprise of Tom and Bud, the trio of officials that came striding across the tarmac to greet them were extremely stern-faced.

“How do you do?” Tom said politely. “I take it you gentlemen are the-er-reception committee we’re supposed to meet?”


“All plans have been changed!” one of the officials snapped. “The welcoming ceremonies have been held up while we investigate a reported fraud you two chaps are said to have perpetrated.” “Fraud!” Bud exclaimed. “What fraud?”

“I’m referring to your so-called underwater crossing of the Atlantic Ocean,”

was the reply.



FOR a moment, Tom and Bud were too thunderstruck at the official’s words to speak. Then Tom reddened angrily. Although he cared little about the welcoming ceremonies, the young inventor was concerned about the reputation of Swift Enterprises.

“I don’t know what you mean by ‘so-called underwater crossing,’” Tom gritted, “but if you’re implying that we-”

One of the other officials spoke up nervously, “Perhaps we should discuss this matter in private-out of the public eye. I suggest we go inside.”

Police were on hand to restrain any newsmen, but several reporters dodged past and came rushing toward the helicopter. The tight-lipped officials ignored them and escorted the boys to a room in the airport terminal. Here the official who had spoken first introduced himself as Inspector Raeburn of Scotland Yard.



“We regret that this interrogation should be necessary,” he said, “but you two have been accused of faking your underwater exploit. However, we’re eager to hear your side of the story.”

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