Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 23 – And His Aquatomic Tracker

“Simmer down, mister,” Bud said quietly.

Carlow’s face contorted with rage. He clenched his fist as if he might punch Bud-but after noting Bud’s husky build, Carlow appeared to think better of such a move.

“You’ll regret treating me this way, Swift!” he rasped. “I’m warning you-you’ll regret it!” Then he strode off and left the dining room.


“What an unpleasant person!” Phyl shuddered.

“He sure is,” Tom agreed. “But let’s not let him spoil our dinner.”

Later, after the boys retired early to their room for a long night’s rest, a call informed Tom that a crate had arrived from the wax museum. Tom was about to ask that it be held in the hotel trunk room. Then he changed his mind.

“Have it sent up, please.” As he replaced the receiver, Tom remarked to Bud with a grin, “I’d like another look at my double.”

When the boys opened the crate, they found that the figure was now clothed in sport shirt and slacks. A note from the museum proprietor explained that he wanted to keep the astronaut costume for the new figure and hoped Tom would not mind.

“Wow! Sure looks lifelike!” Bud remarked.

Next morning, as they stepped off the elevator on their way back from breakfast, a piercing shriek sounded through the hotel corridor. The screaming continued as they ran to investigate.

“It’s coming from our room!” Tom exclaimed.

The boys rushed inside. A terrified chambermaid-her face white as a bed sheet-was standing by the crate. She took one look at Tom and promptly collapsed in a heap.

“Good grief! She has fainted!” Tom said helplessly.

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