Appleton, Victor – Tom Swift Jr 24 – And His 3D Telejector

“This may sound loco, amigo, but I got a dim impression of someone or something very hairy or whiskery.” Uzcudun gave an apologetic chuckle. “It made me think of a grizzly!”

When Tom reported this to Ames, the security chief shrugged. “Not much help, is it?”

“I’m not sure, Harlan.” Tom rubbed his jaw thoughtfully. “Let’s take a little ride.”

Minutes later, their atomicar was swooping out of the darkness toward a gabled house overlooking Lake Carlopa. Although it was past midnight, lights showed in several windows.


Tom rang the bell. At last a bearded figure in shirt sleeves opened the door.

“Ah, good evening.” Dr. Grimsey stared in surprise at his visitors but invited them in.

“Sorry to bother you so late,” Tom apologized. “Something has happened at the plant.”

The elderly scientist did not seem to understand. His wild shock of gray hair made him look even more bewildered. “I-uh-” Suddenly he broke off. His left hand, marked by the large mole, flew up to his ear. “Do forgive me! I was getting ready for bed when the bell rang, and in my hurry I neglected to put on my hearing aid.”

He started to turn away but Tom urged him into a chair. “Please sit down.

This news may be a shock.” Torn shaped his words so Grimsey could lip-read.

“I’ll get your hearing aid.”

The elderly man seemed perplexed, so Tom turned to Ames. “Write what I said, Harlan.”

As Ames complied, Tom hurried upstairs to Grimsey’s bedroom. Soon he returned with the hearing aid. The bearded scientist inserted it gratefully and beamed at Tom and Ames.

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