Arkady Strugatsky, Boris Strugatsky. The Time Wanderers

The introduction of UNBLAF serum (the “bacteria of life” culture) raises resistance by several orders to all known infections and viruses — viral, bacterial, or spore — and also to all organic toxins. (This basically is the bioblockade.)

Unbreaking the hypothalmus with microwave radiation increases the body’s ability to adapt to such physical agents of the environment as strong radiation, toxic gas, and high temperatures. Besides which, the ability to regenerate damaged organs increases the spectrum visible to the retina, and response to psychotherapy is heightened.

The complete test of instruction on fukamization is appended below.

2. The procedure of fukamization was used up until 85 as a mandatory procedure in accordance with the law on Mandatory Bioblockade. In the year 82, a draft of an amendment was presented to the World Council, calling for an end to mandatory fukamization for infants born on Earth. The Amendment called for “maturity vaccination,” to be given to people who reached the age of sixteen, to replace fukamization. In 85, the World Council (by majority of only twelve votes) passed the” Amendment to the law on Mandatory Bioblockade. According to this Amendment, fukamization was no longer mandatory, and its use was left up to the parents. People who did not undergo fukamization in infancy had the right to later refuse the maturity vaccination. However, in that case, they could not work in professional fields involving heavy physical and psychological stress. According to the BVI, at the present time there are close to a million teenagers on Earth who have not been fukamized and close to twenty thousand people who have refused the maturity vaccination.


On antenatal and postnatal fukamization of newborns.

1. Determine the exact time of start of birth by the method of even integrals. (Recommended diagnostics: radioimmune assay NIMB, selectors FDH-4 and FDH-8.)

2. No less than 18 hours before the first uterine construction, determine the volume of the fetus and the volume of the amniotic fluid separately.

Note: Lazarevich’s correction is mandatory! The calculations must be made only through the monographs of the Institute of Bioadaptation, taking into account racial differences.

3. Determine the necessary dose of UNBLAF serum. A full, stable, long-term immunization to alum agents and organic compounds of albumen and haptoid structures is achieved at a dose of 6.8094 gamma moles per gram of lymph tissue.

Note: a) At an index of volumes of less than 3.5, the dose is increased by 16 percent.

b) With multiple fetuses, the total dose of injected serum is reduced by 8 percent for each fetus (twins 8 percent, triplets 16 percent, etc.).

4. Six hours before the first uterine contraction, use the nul injector to introduce through the anterior abdominal wall into the amniotic fluid the calibrated dose of UNBLAF serum. The infection is done from the side, away from the fetus’s back.

5. Fifteen minutes after birth, perform a scintigraph of the newborn’s thymus. If the index is under 3.8, introduce an additional 2.6750 gamma moles of UNBLAF serum into the umbilical vein.

6. In an increase of body temperature, immediately place the newborn in a sterile box. The first natural feeding is permitted no sooner than after 12 hours of normal temperature.

7. The hypothalamic zones of adaptogenesis are irradiated with microwaves 72 hours after birth. The topography distribution of the zones is calculated by the program BINAR-1. The volumes of the hyporhalamic zones should correspond as follows:

Zone I: 36-42 neurons

Zones II: 178-194 neurons

Zones III: 125-139 neurons

Zones IV: 460-510 neurons

Zones V: 460-510 neurons

Note: When performing measurements, be sure that birth hematomas have dissolved completely.

The obtained data is put in the BIOFAK-PULSE.


8. Place the newborn in the operating chamber of the BIOFAK-PULSE. In orienting the head, watch especially that the angle of deviation on the stereotaxis scale is no more than 0.0014.

9. Microwave irradiation of the hypothalamic zones of adaptogenesis is done by reaching the second level of deep sleep, which corresponds to 1.8 — 2.1 alpha on an encephalogram.

10. All data must be entered on the newborn’s personal chart.

From the events that led to the passage of the Amendment to the Law on Mandatory Bioblockade in February 85, I have determined:

1. In the century and a half of global fukamization, not a single case is known to cause any damage. Therefore, it was not surprising that until the spring of 61 very few mothers refused fukamization. The overwhelming majority of physicians with whom I consulted had not heard of any such cases before that year. But statements against fukamization, theoretical and propagandistic, had appeared frequently. Here is a typical one for our age:

Pumivur, K. “Rider: Rights and Responsibilities.” Bangkok, 15.

The author, vice president of the World Association of Reeders, is an adherent and propagandizer of maximally active participation of reeders in the activities of mankind. He argues against fukamization, basing his argument an the data of personal statistics. He maintains that fukamization is allegedly harmful for the appearance of reeder potential in man, and even though the relative number of reeders in the era of fukamization did not decrease, during that time there were no reeders of the power comparable to those active in the late twenty-first and early twenty-second centuries. He calls for the abolition of the mandatory nature of fukamization — at first, at least for the children and grandchildren of reeders. (All the materials of the books are hopelessly out of date: in the Thirties a brilliant constellation of reeders of incredible power appeared — Alexander Solemba, Peter Dzomny, et al.)

Debuque, Charles. “To Build Man?” Lyon, 32.

A posthumous edition of the major (and now forgotten) antieugenicist. The second half of the book is devoted wholly to the criticism of fukamization as a “shamelessly subversive invasion into the natural state of the human organism.” He stresses the irreversible character of the changes made by fukamization (“… no one has ever been able to slow down an unbridled hypothalamus…”), but the main thrust of his argument is the fact that this is a typical eugenic procedure, imbued with the authority of world law, and which for many years has served as a bad and tempting precedent for new eugenic experiments.

Skesis, August. “The Stumbling Stone.” Athens, 37.

The famous theoretician and preacher of neophilism devoted his brochure to harsh criticism of fukamization, but to a poetic criticism rather than a rational one. Within the framework of the concepts of neophilism, like a vulgarization of the theory of Yakovits, the universe is the location of the neocosm, in which the mental and emotional code of a human personality flows after his death. Judging by everything, Skesis knows absolutely nothing about fukamization, indeed imagines it to be something like an appendectomy, and passionately calls on people to reject such a crude procedure, which mutilates and distorts the mental and emotional code. (According to BVI statistics, after the passage of the Amendment, not a single member of the congregation of neophiles agreed to the fukamization of his children.)

Toseville, G. “Insolent Man.” Birmingham, 51.

This monograph is a typical example of a whole library of books and brochures devoted to the propaganda of putting an end to technological progress. All these books are characterized by an apologia for stuck civilizations like the Tagorian or the biocivilization of Leonida. Earth’s technological progress is declared to be done with. Man’s expansion into the cosmos is depicted as a kind of social extravagance, which v ill bring a cruel disillusionment. Rational Man turns into Insolent Man, who in his striving for quantity of traditional and emotional information loses in its quality. (The assumption is that information on the psychocosmos is of immeasurably higher quality than information about the external cosmos in the broadest meaning of the word.) Fukamization does humanity a bad service precisely because it furthers the transformation of Rational Man into Insolent Man, broadening and in fact stimulating his expansionist potential. He proposes a first stage of refusing the unbreaking of the hypothalamus.

Oxovu, K “Movement Along a Vertical.” Calcutta, 61.

K. Oxovu is the pseudonym for a scientist or a group of scientists who formulated and disseminated the unknown idea of so-called vertical progress of humanity. I was unable to learn the real name of the author. I have reason to suspect that K. Oxovu is either G. Komov, Chairman of COMCON-1, or someone from the Academy of Social Prognosis who shares his views. The present edition is the first monograph of the “verticalists.” The sixth chapter is devoted to a detailed examination of all aspects of fukamization — biological, social, and ethical — from the point of view of the precepts of vertical progress. The basic danger of fukamization is seen to be the possibility of uncontrolled influence of genetics. To support this idea, they give data (for the first time, as far as I can determine) on the many incidents of passing along to children the qualities of fukamization. There are over one hundred such cases where the mechanism of the fetus while still in the mother’s womb began developing antibodies, characteristic of the action of UNBLAF serum, and over two hundred cases of newborns with an unbraked hypothalamus. Moreover, over thirty cases have been reported of passing these qualities on to the third generation. They stress that while these phenomena pose no threat to the overwhelming majority of people, they are an eloquent illustration of the fact that fukamization has not been as thoroughly studied as its adepts claim.

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