Asprin, Robert Lynn – Catwoman – Tiger Hunt (With Lynn Abbey)

He weighed his options. He could fry Tiger where he stood, pull back from the deal, and quietly accept his losses. Or he could give Tiger a bit more rope and let Batman hang him instead. He depressed the foot switch. The lasers struck his face and the holograph became directly animated again.

“I don’t care about Batman or black tigers. I found you dying in a gutter, Eddie, and I can put you right back where I found you whenever I want. You have a job to do for me: get me that icon. Do whatever you have to do: double-cross the Bessarabians, find their mysterious enemies, squeeze the gangs, fight a duel with Batman—do whatever you want, but get me that icon.”

The telemetry began flashing. The telltale tension of betrayal and deception had been detected. Well, that was hardly a surprise. A man who believed he was destined to become the Black Tiger would scarcely imagine that he’d spend his life working for someone else. It was hardly a threat, either.

“Monday morning. In the usual place, Tiger.”

The Connection tapped the escape sequence into his computers and Tiger was alone.

Batman saw the police officer get off the elevator and head his way like a bear to honey. They made eye contact. Batman made a quick side-arm gesture, and the officer waited where he was. The surgeon to whom Batman was listening missed the entire transaction as he continued his recitation of the young Russian’s injuries and prognosis. He’d lost parts of a lung, his liver, his intestines, and his stomach.

“A shotgun at that range does quite a bit of damage,” the surgeon concluded unnecessarily.

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