Asprin, Robert Lynn – Catwoman – Tiger Hunt (With Lynn Abbey)

She’d gone thirty blocks by then, halfway between the world where Bonnie lived on her parents’ money and the East End. Halfway home. And only about fifteen blocks from the address Bonnie had given her, which Selina remembered without writing down. It wasn’t as if Bonnie was wrong; the girl had, as usual, jumped to the right conclusion. Someone was trying to send a message to Catwoman, which Catwoman never would have gotten with only Selina to scout for her. Only fifteen blocks, then she could look around and put everything behind her.

Even Eddie Lobb? her conscience inquired.

Selina stopped walking. She stared up at the clouds and forced herself to take long, steady breaths.

Yes, even Eddie Lobb. Everything would be finished, squared up, and cut off in fourteen blocks. She started walking again, a bit slower now, enjoying the sunshine and daring to think just a little bit about what she might do next. She zigzagged through the patchwork neighborhood where renovated buildings stood next to vacant lots and abandoned eyesores. She thought it looked familiar—but Catwoman prowled these transitional neighborhoods and they all looked familiar. Then she turned the last corner.

The scene was very familiar. The burnt-out drug house was on her right. The partially renovated building where she’d written her message for Batman was about a block away to her left. She didn’t bother going the distance to compare the numbers.

“Damn you.” She made fists and pounded them against her thighs.

Midnight. Bonnie said the man she’d spoken to—Batman himself?—told her to come here at midnight. So Batman wanted Catwoman here at midnight. Batman wanted her out of the way, just as she’d wanted him out of the way when she summoned him. But why? The icon. 208 Broad Street. Eddie Lobb.

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