Asprin, Robert Lynn – Catwoman – Tiger Hunt (With Lynn Abbey)

“I ain’t paying for advice, Jack.”

The stevedore got up from the table. “Then it’s been swell knowing you.” He walked away.

Tiger finished his beer and left another twenty on the table to pay for it. The place on Broad Street; he knew where that was. The clarity that had come upon him by the Keystone had been dulled a bit by the beer. His shoulder was throbbing again and he was tired, too tired to go around the corner to the place on Broad Street. Tiger decided to return to the waterfront one last time. When the tide changed he’d make the final journey. It seemed that all the nearby buildings had eyes when he left the bar. Maybe the boss was going to have him popped on the street. He forced the muscles in his back to relax. The word was that it didn’t hurt at all if you were relaxed.

Batman paid little attention to the dead man as he walked past. He was watching the roofs and the shadows for some telltale glimmer of movement that would reveal Catwoman’s hiding place. A woman wearing sunglasses and a bright floral print dress stepped out of a doorway. She didn’t seem the right type, but she was carrying a large purse and she was following Tiger. Batman was armored within his costume. He allowed himself the hope that Catwoman would be similarly concealed when he found her. It would be easier for them both if they handled this professionally. The woman changed her bearings and headed for the parked cars. Batman combed the shadows again.

The days were lengthening and getting warm. Batman was forcibly reminded that the black polymer was a heat sponge and unpleasant to wear in the sunlight. He’d guessed Tiger’s intention of sitting on a piling until the tide changed again, which wouldn’t happen until after sunset. Catwoman wasn’t likely to make her approach in broad daylight. The Wayne Foundation owned a building not far from here where Batman maintained a safe house. Instinct and logic agreed that he could afford to snatch a couple hours of naptime. He didn’t owe Tiger anything, although the scar-faced man wouldn’t be looking at a death sentence if their paths hadn’t crossed. He didn’t owe anything to Catwoman, either. But he stayed where he was, dulling his senses to the heat, waiting for the sun to set, the tide to change, and the final act in Tiger’s drama to begin.

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