Bernard Cornwell – 1809 01 Sharpe’S Rifles

Colonel de l’Eclin moved swiftly to interpose himself between the two angry men. He addressed himself in English to the man in the black coat, though he still stared at the Rifleman. “It seems, my dear Count, that your brother might have successfully spread a false rumour? He is not, after all, travelling south to find remounts?”

“Vivar is his brother?” Sharpe’s confusion was absolute. Vivar, whose hatred of the French was so overwhelming, had a brother who rode with the enemy? Who must have watched as the Dragoons raped and killed Spanish women and children? His disbelief must have shown on his face for de PEclin, clearly astonished that Sharpe had not known of the relationship, made a formal introduction. “Allow me to name the Count of Mouromorto, Lieutenant. He is indeed Major Vivar’s brother. You have to understand that, contrary to the lies told in the English newspapers, there are many Spaniards who welcome the French presence. They believe it is time to sweep away the old superstitions and practices that have crippled Spain for so long. The Count is such a man.” De l’Eclin bowed to the Spaniard at the end of that description, but the Count merely glared at the Englishman.

Sharpe returned the hostile stare. “You let these bastards kill your own people?”

For a second it seemed as if the Count would lash out at him. He was taller than Bias Vivar, but now that he was close, Sharpe could see the familiarity. He had the same pugnacious jaw and fervent eyes, which now regarded Sharpe with hostility. “What would you know of Spain, Lieutenant?” the Count asked, “or of Spain’s desperate needs? Or of the sacrifices its people must make if they are to know liberty?”

“What do you know of liberty? You’re nothing but a bloody murdering bastard.”

“Enough!” De l’Eclin raised his left hand to check Sharpe’s anger. “You say Major Vivar is not with you?”

“He is not with me, nor is his damned strongbox. If it’s any business of yours, which it is not, I parted from Major Vivar in anger and I don’t much care if I never see him again! But he’s sent you on a wild goose chase, hasn’t he?”

De l’Eclin seemed amused at Sharpe’s anger. “Maybe, but you’re the goose, Lieutenant, and you’re the one who’ll be plucked. You and your Rifles.” The Colonel was entranced by the word. He knew Hussars, chasseurs, lancers, Dragoons, and gunners, he was familiar with sappers and cuirassiers, grenadiers and fusiliers, but he had never before heard a man described as a ‘Rifle’. “On the other hand,” de l’Eclin continued, “if Major Vivar is with you, then you are bound to deny his presence, are you not? Just as you are bound to defend him, which might explain your persistence in this hopeless fight.”

“He isn’t here,” Sharpe said wearily. “Ask the Methodists.”

“I shall certainly ask the girl,” de l’Eclin said happily.

“Do that.” Sharpe spat the words. Bias Vivar, he thought, had been superbly clever, using a rumour to persuade the French that he had fled south with the Riflemen, thereby sacrificing them. But Sharpe could feel no anger against the Spaniard, only a reluctant admiration. He threw his cigar onto the floor. “I’m going back.”

De l’Eclin nodded. “I shall give you ten minutes to make up your mind about surrender. Au revoir, Lieutenant.”

“And go to hell yourself.”

Sharpe went back to the farmhouse. The wild goose was trapped, and would now be killed and plucked. That, in a way, was Vivar’s revenge for Sharpe’s abandonment and Sharpe laughed at it, for there was nothing else to do. Except fight.

“What did the bugger want, sir?” Harper asked.

“He wants us to surrender.”

“Bugger would.” Harper spat towards the fire.

“If we don’t surrender now, they won’t let us do it later.”

“So he’s got the wind up his backside, has he? He’s scared of the night?”

“He is, yes.”

“So what are you going to do, sir?”

“Tell him to go to hell. And make you a Sergeant.”

Harper grimaced. “No, sir.”

“Why the hell not?”

The big man shook his head. “I don’t mind telling the lads what to do in a fight, sir. Captain Murray always let me do that, so he did, and I’ll do it whether you wanted me to or not. But I’ll go no further. I won’t run your punishments for you or take a badge from you.”

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Categories: Cornwell, Bernard