Bernard Cornwell – 1809 07 Sharpe’S Eagle

But it was not just the dead and injured. In its first fight Simmerson’s Battalion had lost its pride as well. For sixteen years Sharpe had fought for the army, had defended colours in the melee of battle and thrust with a bayonet as he tried to reach the enemy’s standard; he had seen captured banners paraded through camp and felt the fierce elation of victory, but this was the first time he had seen a British flag taken on the field and he knew how his enemies would celebrate when the trophy reached Marshal Victor’s army. Soon Wellesley’s army would have to fight a battle, not a skirmish against four squadrons of Chasseurs, but a real battle in which the killing machines of the artillery made survival a game of chance, and their enemies would now go into that battle with their spirits raised because they had already humiliated the British. He felt the beginnings of an idea, an idea so outrageous that he smiled, and young Pendleton, waiting to return his rifle, grinned back at his officer.

“We did it, sir! We did it!”

“Did what?” Sharpe wanted to savour his idea but there was too much to do.

“Saved the flag, sir. Didn’t we?”

Sharpe looked at the teenager’s face. After a life of thieving in the streets of Bristol the boy had a pinched, hungry face, but his eyes were shining and there was a desperate plea for reassurance in his expression. Sharpe smiled. “We did it.”

“I know we lost the other one, sir, but that wasn’t our fault, was it, sir?”

“No. If it hadn’t been for us they’d have lost both flags. Well done!”

The boy beamed. “And you and Sergeant Harper, sir.” The boy’s words tumbled out in his urgent need to share the excitement. “They was terrified of you, sir!”

Sharpe took his rifle and laughed. “I don’t know about Sergeant Harper, but I was fairly frightened, too.”

Pendleton laughed. “You’re just saying that, sir!”

Sharpe smiled and walked away among the bodies. There was so much to do, the dead to be buried, the wounded to be patched up. He looked towards the bridge. It was empty now, the fugitives had crossed, and Sharpe could see them being organised into companies on the far bank. The French were half a mile away, in ordered ranks, and watching a lone horseman who was trotting his horse towards Sharpe. He supposed it was a French officer coming to discuss a truce while they sorted out their wounded. Sharpe felt a great weariness. He looked back at the bridge and wondered why Simmerson was not sending any men across to start the grave-digging, the bandaging, the stripping of the dead. It would take a whole day to clear up this mess. Sharpe slung his rifle and started walking towards the Chasseur officer, whose horse was picking a delicate course through the bodies. He raised a hand in salute. And at that moment the bridge exploded.


The bridge was reluctant to be destroyed. It had stood through two millennia over the waters of the Tagus, and the old stonework yielded slowly to the modern explosives. The central pier gave a deep shudder that was felt as far away as Sharpe and his company; they wheeled round to see what had caused it, and dust flew from the crevices of the masonry. For a second it seemed as if the bridge might hold; the stones bulged and then tore themselves apart with an agonising slowness, until the black powder finally won and the masonry was blasted outwards in an obscene gout of smoke and flame. The road on the bridge rose into the air, hung suspended for a fraction, and then collapsed into the water. The pier, two arches, the purpose of the bridge, all were destroyed by the thunderous explosion that rolled interminably across the flat grasslands, fright-ening the horses of the French, making the loose horses whose owners had been unseated in battle whinny and gallop fitfully on the grass, as though looking for human reassurance. A huge, dirty plume of smoke, boiling with ancient dust, rose over the ruined spans, the water seethed, far up and down stream the stones fell into the green depths; only slowly did silence follow the thunder, the river rearrange itself to the new pattern of stones on its bed, the black smoke drift slowly westwards like a small, low, malevolent storm cloud. Hogan need not have worried. Forty feet had been ripped from the bridge, Wellesley was safe from marauding cavalry to his south, and Sharpe and his men were now marooned on the wrong side of the Tagus.

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Categories: Cornwell, Bernard