Blish,James – And all the Stars a Stage

than that,” Kamblin added. “The most baffling problem of all is that the

computer seems, all by itself, to have evolved a new mathematics to handle

this material, which we’re finding very difficult to interpret from scratch.

Though I don1 understand how such a thing could be, it has all the stigmata

of an original invention.”

“Creativity from machinery?” Ailiss said. “Thaes impossible. There must be

some other explanation.”

“I think there is,” Jorn said slowly. “I’ve never mentioned it before,

since the evidence I had for it seemed to be so wispy. But I’ve been

suspecting for some years now, nearly five years, in fact, that the various

computers within the armada had begun to work out a sort of Grand Log of

their own. Certainly we fed into our computer everything in the way of data

that we could get from the rest of the fleet, but that’s not quite what I

mean. I think theres also been some kind of direct connection.”

“A lot of machines are no more creative than one machine,” Ailiss objected.

“True enough; and I think it very likely that the new mathematical system

you’re talking about did have a human inventor-but on some other ship,

maybe one that has been out of range of us for years. There would be no

reason for any of the computers to store his name, they’re not interested

in personalities, they just gobble up data and processes.”

“Well, whoever he was, he was good,” Kamblin said reflectively. “We’ve

still got a lot to learn about this scholium, but we can already see enough

of the principles on which it seems to be based to suspect that it may be

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