Blish,James – And all the Stars a Stage

planetfall. Stand by.”

The hammer fell. As the Javelin began to settle complacently into the

outermost reaches of the atmosphere of that abandoned, incredibly rich

planet, the smooth, blown-steel, pilot-fish shapes of the blind little

ships came raining down around her out of the blackness, spitting needles

of white fire. The computer rang all its bells at once, radio heat red

orange yellow green blue indigo violet ultra-violet X-ray and panic, but it

was too late. Above the bubble ships which were seeing to it that the

Javelin continued to go down, turret-bumpy forts as big as small moons

crashed into orbit out of nothingness, indifferently forcing the entire

metrical frame of local space-time to bear their malignant tumorous masses

with groans profound enough to be heard, should anyone with

And all the Stars a Stage 149

ears for gravitational waves be listening, almost to the center of the


The computer yelled its mechanical horror so loudly in the control barrel

of the lavelin that it was almost impossible to think. After a brief moment

of fury and bafflement, Ertak cut its power; and then, for thirty seconds

of ringing, desperate silence, he turned his back on the barrel and pressed

his temples with the heels of his hands.

“We are fordone,” he said at last in a high, white voice. ‘We will maintain

our landing trajectory. We have no other choice. Ailissl”

“Great Ghost. Yes, Director.”

“Try to raise someone out there. Find out what they want; try to convince

them that we’re harmless. They’ve got us-there’s no other way out.”

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