Blish,James – And all the Stars a Stage

The thought faltered. It was hard to bear in mind that there were very few

passengers any more. They bad outnumbered the crew enormously at the start,

he seemed to recall. But somehow they had failed to breed, in anything like

sufficient numbers. Odd, when you thought about it; what else had they had

to do?

There were not very many people in the control barrel, and of these Jorn

and Ailiss recognized only two: their daughter Kasi and her new husband, a

hard-voiced, cock-sure youngster whom Jorn could barely stand. Ailiss

seemed to be able to put up with him a little better, if only for Kasi’s

sake. He had been in training to be Kamblin’s replacement at the time of

the latter’s death, but how much astronomy he actualIy knew was an open

question. Hearing him talk, in that arrogant, know-it-all voice of his,

Jorn sometimes got the fleeting impression that he did not think of stars

as being real objects at all, but only dots with certain arbitrary

properties which he had been forced to learn by rote. His name was Monel.

He did not appear to be so cock-sure at the

172 James Blish

moment, however. Like everyone else in the barrel, he was standing at his

post but not doing anything, his glance going from the door of Ertak’s

quarters, to the computer, and back again to the door.

The door did not open.

“How long has this been going on?” Jorn demanded.

“About five minutes, Father,” Kasi said.

“Tbat’s already too long. If the Director doesn1 appear in another five,

we’ll have to take action ourselves.” The decision came out with great

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