Blish,James – And all the Stars a Stage

“Got the news on?” it said. “Who’s ahead?”

It was Jurg Wester, a fellow resident; Jorn was not particularly fond of

him, but a prudent man did not invite animosity in quarters as close and

lacking in privacy as a conclave. Today be was looking unusually seedy; his

state-issue suit looked as though it might have been slept in. But then,

they all got to looking like that after a while; the fabric wrinkled

readily and getting the wrinkles pressed out was too expensive for a

bachelor to undertake very often-too expensive, and mostly too purposeless.

“The women, who else?” Jorn said. “Sit down and shut up a minute, Jurg. I

want to hear this.”

“You want a job shoveling garbage?” Jurg said, but he subsided after that

accommodatingly enough, his

12 fames Blish

eyes slowly glazing as he watched the screen. jorn, only a little

distracted, did not find it difficult to recapture the skein of his musings.

For the Age of Woman had indeed followed almost directly upon the Age of

Power, though nobody had accurately foreseen it at the time. Probably such

a prophet, had he existed, would not have been heeded anyhow. The relevant

technique was called sperm electrophoresis, a ridiculously simple trick to

perform in glassware-and the pharmaceutical manufacturers had quickly come

up with a medium, an anion or cation exchange gel, which made it equally

easy to perform in situ. Its purpose was sex deten-nination of the child at


By hindsight, jom thought gloomily, it ought to have been realized that the

first several generations to have the trick made available to them would

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