Blish, James – Bridge


“Yes, Helmuth, you. The coming debUcle on Earth makes it absolutely imperative for usthe Westto get interstellar ex-peditions started at once. Richardson Observatory, on the Moon, has two likely-looking systems picked out alreadyone at Wolf 359, another at 61 Cygniand there are sure to be hundreds of others where Earth-like planets are highly probable. We want to scatter adventurous people, people with a thoroughly indoctrinated love of being free, all over this part of the galaxy, if it can be done.

“Once they’re out there, they’ll be free to flourish, with no interference from Earth. The Soviets haven’t the spindizzy yet, and even after they steal it from us, they won’t dare allow it to be used. It’s too good and too final an escape route.

“What we want you to do… now I’m getting to the point, you see… is to direct this exodus. You’ve the intelligence and the cast of mind for it. Your analysis of the situation on Earth confirms that, if any more confirmation were needed. Andthere’s no future for you on Earth now.”

“You’ll have to excuse me,” Helmuth said, firmly. “I’m in no condition to be reasonable now; it’s been more than I could digest in a few moments. And the decision doesn’t entirely rest with me, either. If I could give you an answer in .. . let me see… about three hours. Will that be soon enough?”

“That’ll be fine,” the senator said.

“And so, that’s the story,” Helmuth said.

Eva remained silent in her chair for a long time.

“One thing I don’t understand,” she said at last. “Why did you come to me? I’d have thought that you’d find the whole thing terrifying.”

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