Blish, James – Common Time


Not that Carrard was sanguine enough to expect that he would remain logical or even sane throughout the trip. The vista was still grim, in much of its detail. But the opportunities, too, were there. He felt a momentary regret that it hadn’t been Haertel, rather than himself, who had been given such an opportunity


for the old man could certainly have made better use of it than Garrard could. The situation demanded someone trained in the-highest rigors of mathematics to be put to the best conceivable use. Still and all Garrard began to feel Pock.

that he would give a good account of himself, and it tickled him to realize that (as long as be held onto his essential sanity) he would return


to Earth after ten Earth months with knowledge centuries advanced beyond anything


that Haertel knew, or that anyone could know Pock.

who had to work within a normal lifetime. Pck. The whole prospect tickled him. Pck. Even the clock tick seemed more cheerful. Pck. He felt fairly safe now Pck in disregard-ing his drilled-in command Pck against moving Pck, since in any Pck event he Pck had already Pck moved Pck without Pck being Pck harmed Pck Pck Pck Pck Pck pckpckpckpck-pckpckpck.…

He yawned, stretched, and got up. It wouldn’t do to be too pleased, after all. There were certainly many problems that still needed coping with, such as how to keep the impulse toward getting a ship-time task performed going, while his higher centers were following the ramifications of some purely philosophical point. And besides …

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