Blish, James – Earth of Hours

“and if I don’t make more than a point zero five per cent error in plotting the course,” Sparks put in.

“Yes. On the other hand, we can make sure of getting there by going in short leaps via planets known to be inhabited, but never colonized and possibly hostile. The only other possibility is Xixobrax, which I think we’ve ruled out.


“Right as rain,” Sergeant Oberholzer said. “Now I see what you’re driving at. Your Excellency. The only thing is you didn’t mention that the stepping stone method will take us the rest of our lives.”

“So I didn’t,” 12-Upjohn said bleakly. “But I hadn’t for-gotten it. The other side of that coin is that it will be even longer than that before the Matriarchy and the Central Empire collide.”

“After which,” Sergeant Oberholzer said with a certain relish, “I doubt that it’ll be a Matriarchy, whichever wins.

Are you calling for a vote, sir?”

“Wellyes, I seem to be.”

“Then let’s grasshopper,” Sergeant Oberholzer said unhesi-tatingly. ‘The boys and I can’t fight a point zero five per cent error in navigationbut for hostile planets, we’ve got the flamers.”

Robin One shuddered. “I don’t mind the fighting part,”

he said unexpectedly. “But I do simply loathe the thought of being an old, old man when I get home. All the same, we do have to get the word back.”

“You’re agreeing with the sergeant?”

“Yes, that’s what I said.”

“I agree,” Sparks said. “Either way we may not make it, but the odds are in favor of doing it the hard way.”

“Very good,” 12-Upjohn said. He was uncertain of his exact emotion at this moment; perhaps gloomy satisfaction was as close a description as any. “I make it unanimous. Let’s get ready.”

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Categories: Blish, James