Blood of Amber by Roger Zelazny. Chapter 1, 2

I nodded, because my mouth was full. Let the empire totter. I was starved.


Showered, trimmed, manicured and garbed in fresh-conjured finery, I got a number out of Information and placed a call to the only Devlin listed in Bill Roth’s area. The voice of the woman who answered did not possess the proper timbre, though I still recognized it.

“Meg? Meg Devlin?” I said.

“Yes,” came the reply. “Who is this?”

“Merle Corey.”


“Merle Corey. We spent an interesting night together some time back-”

“I’m sorry,” she said. “There must be some mistake.”

“If you can’t talk freely now I can call whenever you say. Or you can call me.”

“I don’t know you,” she said, and she hung up.

I stared at the receiver. If her husband were present I’d assumed she’d play it a bit cagey but would at least give some indication that she knew me and would talk another time. I had held off on getting in touch with Random because I’d a feeling he’d summon me back to Amber immediately, and I’d wanted to talk to Meg first. I certainly couldn’t spare the time to go and visit her. I could not understand her response, but for now at least I was stuck with it. So I tried the only other thing that occurred to me. I got hold of Information again and obtained the number for Bill’s next-door neighbors, the Hansens.

It was answered on the third ring-a woman’s voice I recognized as Mrs.Hansen’s. I had met her in the past, though I had not seen her on my most recent trip to the area.

“Mrs. Hansen,” I began. “It’s Merle Corey.”

“Oh, Merle. . . . You were just up here a while ago, weren’t you?”

“Yes. Couldn’t stay long, though. But I did finally get to meet George. Had several long talks with him. In fact, I’d like to speak with him right now if he’s handy.”

The silence ran several beats too long before she responded.

“George. . . . Well, George is over at the hospital just now, Merle. Is it something you could tell me?”

“Oh, it’s not urgent,” I said. “What happened to George?”

“It-it’s nothing real bad. He’s just an outpatient now, and today’s his day to get checked over and pick up some medication. He had a sort of breakdown last month. Had a couple days’ worth of amnesia, and they can’t seem to figure what caused it.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Well, the X-rays didn’t show any damage-like he’d hit his head or anything. And he seems okay now. They say he’ll probably be fine. But they want to keep an eye on him a little longer. That’s all.” Suddenly, as if struck by inspiration, she asked, “How’d he seem when you were talking with him, anyway?”

I’d seen it coming, so I didn’t hesitate.

“He seemed fine when I talked with him,” I answered. “But of course I hadn’t known him before, so I couldn’t tell whether he was acting any different.”

“I see what you mean,” she said. “Do you want him to call you back when he gets in?”

“No. I’m going to be going out;” I said, “and I’m not sure when I’ll be getting back. It was nothing really important. I’ll get in touch again one of these days.”

“Okay, then. I’ll tell him you called.”

“Thanks. G’bye.”

That one I’d almost expected. After Meg. George’s behavior had been overtly weird, at the end there. What had bothered me was that he’d seemed to know who I really was and to know about Amber-.and he even wanted to follow me through a Trump. It was as if he and Meg had both been subjected to some strange manipulation.

Jasra came to mind immediately in this regard. But then she was Luke ally, it seemed, and Meg had warned me against Luke. Why would she do that if Jasra were controlling her in some fashion? It didn’t make sense. Who else did I know who might be capable of causing such phenomena?

Fiona, for one. But then she’d been party to my later return to this shadow from Amber and had even picked me up after my evening with Meg. And she’d seemed just as puzzled about the course of events as I was.

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Categories: Zelazny, Roger