Blood of Amber by Roger Zelazny. Chapter 9, 10, 11, 12

“I guess so,” he said. “What are you going to do now, wait and see what happens?”

“I’ve a plan,” I said. “Just because I believe him doesn’t mean I won’t take out insurance. But I’ve a question for you.”


“If I brought him back here and Random decided the facts weren’t clear enough and he wanted a hearing, would you represent Luke?” His eyes widened, and then he smiled. “What kind of hearing?” he asked.

“I don’t know how such things are conducted here.”

“As a grandson of Oberon,” I explained, “he’d come under House Law. Random is head of the House now. It would be up to him whether to forget about a thing, render a summary judgment or call a hearing. As I understand it, such a hearing could be as formal or informal as Random wanted. There are books on the subject in the library. But a person has always had the right to be represented at one if he wanted.”

“Of course I’d take the case,” Bill said. “It doesn’t sound like a legal experience that comes along too often.

“But it might look like a conflict of interest,” he added, “since I have done work for the Crown.”

I finished my cider and put the glass on the mantelpiece. I yawned. “I have to go now, Bill.”

He nodded; then, “This is all just hypothetical, isn’t it?” he asked.

“Of course,” I said. “It might turn out to be my hearing. G’night.”

He studied me. “Uh-this insurance you were talking about,” he said. “It probably involves something risky, doesn’t it?”

I smiled.

“Nothing anyone could help you with, I suppose?”


“Well, good luck.”


“See you tomorrow?”

“Later in the day, maybe. . . .”

I went to my room and sacked out. I had to get some rest before I went about the business I had in mind. I don’t recall any dreams, pro or con, on the matter.

It was still dark when I woke. Good to know that my mental alarm was working.

It would have been very pleasant to turn over and go back to sleep, but I couldn’t allow myself the luxury. The day that lay ahead was to be an exercise in timing. Accordingly, I got up, cleaned up and dressed myself in fresh clothes.

I headed for the kitchen then, where I made myself some tea and toast and scrambled a few eggs with chilis and onions and a bit of pepper. I turned up some melka fruit from the Snelters, too-something I hadn’t had in a long while.

Afterward, I went out through the rear and made my way into the garden. Dark it was, moonless and damp, with a few wisps of mist exploring invisible paths. I followed a path to the northwest. The world was a very quiet place. I let my thoughts get that way, too. It was to be a onething-at-a-time day, and I wanted to start it off with that habit of mind in place.

I walked until I ran out of garden, passing through a break in a hedge and continuing along the rough trail my path had become. It mounted slowly for the first few minutes, took an abrupt turn and grew immediately steeper. I paused at one jutting point and looked back, from where I was afforded a view of the dark outline of the palace, a few lighted windows within it. Some scatters of cirrus high above looked like raked starlight in the celestial garden over which Amber brooded. I turned away moments later. There was still a good distance to travel.

When I reached the crest I was able to discern a faint line of lightening to the east, beyond the forest I had traversed so recently. I hurried past the three massive steps of song and story and began my descent to the north. Slow at first, the way I followed steepened abruptly after a time and led off to the northeast, then into a gentler decline. When it swung back to the northwest there was another steep area followed by another easy one, and I knew the going would be fine after that. The high shoulder of Kolvir at my back blocked all traces of the pre-dawn light I had witnessed earlier, and star-hung night lay before me and above, rubbing outlines to ambiguity on all but the nearest boulders. Still, I knew approximately where I was going, having been this way once before, though I’d only halted briefly at that time.

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