Bloodline Sidney Sheldon

“Thanks,” she smiled. “But go enjoy yourself. You only get a half day off per week, and I know you don’t wanna spend it with my kids.”

“That’s true.” Billy gazed unashamedly at Toni’s breasts. “Tell you what. I’ll make you a deal.”

“A deal?”

“Sure. If I find a freshwater pearl in the next fifteen minutes, you stay with me tomorrow night.”

Toni laughed, enjoying the attention. “You’ve only found three pearls in the last month. You’re hardly likely to scoop one up in fifteen minutes.”

“Exactly. It’s hopeless. So why not shake on the deal?”

“You know why not.”

Toni glanced out to the harbor lanes where the Braemar-Murphy’s yacht, Celeste, glittered in the afternoon sunshine.

“Oh, come on. Live a little,” Billy teased. “You know he bores you. Besides, like you said, I’m hardly likely to find a pearl in a quarter of an hour, am I?”

“But if you do?”

Slipping an arm around Toni’s waist, Billy pulled her close so their lips were almost touching. “If I do, then it’s fate. We’re meant to be together. Deal?”

Toni grinned. “OK, deal. But it has to be at least the size of a pea.”

“A pea? Oh, c’mon now. That’s impossible!”

“A pea. Now get out of here! I’ve got some serious possum playing to do.”


Billy swam out into deeper water, his shucking knife clamped between his teeth like a pirate’s cutlass. He made a couple of dives, emerging each time with a large oyster shell and making a great theatrical show of prising them open, but with no success, clutching his heart and swooning into the water, all for Toni’s benefit.

Within a few minutes, a growing crowd of spectators had gathered to watch from the beach. The boy was an incredible swimmer and he was putting on quite a show.

Toni Gilletti thought He’s funny, but he’s getting way too big headed. Turning away, she threw herself into the game with the boys, deliberately ignoring Billy’s antics.


Charles Braemar-Murphy was feeling good. He’d enjoyed a delicious lunch of fresh Maine lobster rolls on his parents’ yacht, washed down with a couple of glasses of vintage Chablis. His old man had agreed to raise his allowance. And Toni had promised to wear the satin crotchless panties he’d bought her in bed tonight, a prospect that had had him in an almost constant state of arousal since day break.

Stretching out on a sunlounger on the upper deck, Charles felt his confidence returning. I have to stop obsessing about the Hamlin kid. Sure he’s after Toni. Everyone’s after Toni. But he’s no threat to me. She already had him and she tossed him aside.

Toni would be on the beach now, building sandcastles with her group of little boys.

I’ll surprise her, Charles thought on a whim. Bring her some chocolate dipped strawberries from the galley. Chicks love that sort of meaningless romantic gesture. She’ll be even more grateful in bed tonight than usual.

He clicked his fingers imperiously at one of the deckhands.

“Get one of the tenders ready. I’m going ashore.”


The boys had tired of possum and were hunting for crab claws in the shallows. A collective gasp from the beach made Toni turn around.

Oh my God! Idiot!

Billy had swum out beyond the barrier that separated the swimming and harbor lanes. There were three large yachts moored off-shore, and a host of smaller boats between them and the beach. A lone swimmer was as good as invisible amidst such heavy traffic. Diving for pearls out there was preposterously dangerous.

Toni waved frantically at Billy, beckoning him over. “Come back!” she shouted into the wind. “You’ll get yourself killed out there!”

Billy cupped a hand to his ear in a can’t hear you gesture. Leaving the boys on the shore line, Toni swam a few meters further out and shouted again. “Get back here! You’ll get hit.”

Billy glanced over his shoulder. The nearest yacht tenders were at least fifty meters behind him.

“It’s fine,” he called back to Toni.

“It’s not fine! Don’t be a moron.”

“Two more dives.”

“Billy, no!”

But it was too late. With an effortless flick of the legs, Billy disappeared beneath the waves again, earning himself more gasps and claps from the beach.

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