Bloodline Sidney Sheldon

Toni bit her lip, waiting anxiously for Billy to resurface. Ten seconds went by, then twenty, then thirty.

Oh Jesus. What’s happened? Has he hit his head? I should never have taken the stupid bet and encouraged him. I know how reckless he is. He’s like me.

Then suddenly there he was, shooting up out of the blue like a dolphin at play, waving a vast oyster shell in his hand. The crowd on the beach whooped and cheered. Billy cut the thing open and pulled out a pearl, to even louder applause. But he shook his head sadly at Toni.

“It’s too small. My princess needs a pea.”

“Cut it out.” Toni shot back angrily. The game wasn’t fun anymore. Couldn’t those idiots on the beach see how dangerous this was? “Get back here, Billy. I mean it.”

Billy shook his head. “Two minutes left!” And with a deep gulp of air, he was gone again.


“Why don’t you let me pilot the tender, Sir? You sit back and relax.”

Daniel Gray was an experienced crewman who’d spent the last twenty years working on rich peoples’ yachts. The Braemar-Murphys were no better or worse than most of the families Daniel Gray worked for. But their son, Charles, was an entitled little prig. He’d clearly been drinking, and should not be left alone at the wheel of an expensive piece of kit like the Celeste’s tender.

“I’m perfectly relaxed, thanks,” Charles Braemar-Murphy drawled. “Just bring me the strawberries and champagne I asked for and let my mother know I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

“Very good, Sir.”

Dickhead. I hope he runs aground and spends the next decade paying his old man back for the damage.


It took Billy Hamlin forty-five seconds to surface this time. He still seemed to think it was a joke, barely pausing before he went back down again.

Furious, Toni turned away – no way would she spend the night with him now, however big his damn pearl, or his damn anything else, might be. As she swam back towards the boys, she saw something out of the corner of her eye. It was a rowboat, a tiny, old fashioned wooden affair. What the hell is that doing out in the shipping lane?

No sooner had the thought occurred to her than she saw two tenders, one gliding sedately through the water, the other a few moments behind it going dangerously fast, churning up a choppy wake as it roared towards the shore. The first tender saw the wooden craft and veered to avoid it, changing course fairly easily. The second seemed totally unaware of the danger.

“Boat!” Toni waved frantically at the second tender. She was in shallow water now and was able to jump up and down as she shouted and flapped her arms. “BOAT!”


Charles Braemar Murphy caught the flash of blond hair and the familiar white bikini.

Toni was waving at him.

‘Hey babe!” He waved back, speeding up to impress her, but found he needed to clutch the wheel for support. That Chablis must have really gone to his head. “I brought you something.”

It took a few moments for Charles to realize that people on the beach were waving at him too. Hadn’t they ever seen a yacht tender before? Or maybe they’d never seen one as powerful as the Celeste’s.

By the time he saw the row boat, and realized the danger, he was seconds away from impact. Crouched inside, two teenage boys huddled together in terror. Charles caught the look of pure panic on their faces as he hurtled towards them and felt sick. He was close enough now to see the whites of their eyes and their desperate, pleading expressions.

Jesus Christ.

He lunged for the wheel.


The two life guards looked at one another.

“Holy shit.”

“He’s gonna hit them, isn’t he?”

Grabbing their floats they ran into the water.


Toni watched in horror as the second tender sped towards the rowboat. As it got closer, her horror intensified. Is that … Charles? What the hell is he doing?

She opened her mouth to scream, to warn him, but no sound came out. Thanks to Billy’s antics she’d already shouted herself hoarse. That’s when she realized with chilling finality.

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