Blyton, Enid – Adventure 1 – The Island of Adventure

He did. His boat returned after tea and the children helped to take in a fine catch of fish. You might have taken us too, you mean thing, said Dinah. We could have let lines down as well.

The next day Jo-Jo departed to the town again, much to the children’s joy. He’s got the day off, said Aunt Polly. You will have to do some of his jobs. You boys can pump up the water for the day.

The boys went off to the well and let down the heavy bucket, unwinding the chain till the bucket reached the water. Jack peered over the edge.

Just like one of those shafts over in the island, he said. Wind up, Tufty here goes!

The children hurried over all the work that Aunt Polly set them to do. Then, making certain that the car was gone out of the garage, they begged a picnic lunch from Aunt Polly and raced down to Jo-Jo’s boat.

They undid the rope and pushed off, the two boys rowing hard. As soon as they were out on the open sea, up went the sail. Off we go to the Isle of Gloom, said Dinah, in delight. Gosh, I’m glad we’re coming with you this time, Jack. It was hateful being left behind last time.

Did you bring the torches? asked Philip of Lucy-Ann. She nodded. Yes. They’re over there with the lunch.

We shall need them down the mines, said Philip, with an air of excitement. What an adventure this was to be going down old, old mines, where possibly men might be secretly hunting for copper. Philip shivered deliciously with excitement.

The sailing-boat, handled most expertly by the four children, went along well and they made very good time indeed. It did not seem to be very long before the island loomed up out of the usual haze.

Hear the waves banging on the rocks? said Jack. The girls nodded. This was the dangerous part. They hoped the boys would find the rock passage as easily as before, and go in safely.

There’s the big hill, said Jack suddenly. Down with the sail, girls. That’s right easy does it. Look out for that rope, Lucy-Ann. No, not that one that’s right.

The sail was down. The boys took the oars and began to row cautiously towards the gap in the rocks. They knew where it was now. Into it they went, looking out for the rock that lay near the surface, ready to avoid it. It did scrape the bottom slightly and Lucy-Ann looked frightened. But soon they were in the calm moat of water that ran gleaming all round the island, between the shore and the ring of rocks.

Lucy-Ann heaved a sigh of relief. What with feeling a bit sea-sick and a lot scared, she had gone quite pale. But now she recovered quickly as she saw the island itself so near.

They landed safely and pulled the boat up on to the shore. Now we make for the hills, said Jack. My word, look at the thousands of birds again! I never in my life saw such a lot. If only I could see that Great Auk!

Perhaps I’ll see one for you, said Lucy-Ann, wishing with all her heart that she could. Philip, where’s that red-coloured stream and the pile of tins? Anywhere near here?

You’ll see soon, said Philip, striding ahead. We go through this little pass in the hills.

Soon they could see the copper-coloured stream running in the valley among the hills. Jack paused and took his bearings. Wait a bit. Where exactly was that big shaft?

The girls had already exclaimed over the other holes in the ground, and the queer tumbledown erections beside them. There must have been some sort of shaft-head, said Jack, considering. Now, where’s that pile of tins? It was somewhere near here. Oh there’s the shaft, girls!

Everyone hurried to the big round hole and peered down it. There was no doubt but that the ladder leading down it was in very good condition. This is the shaft the men are using, said Philip. It’s the only one whose ladder is safe.

Don’t talk too loudly, said Jack, in a low voice. You don’t know how sound might carry down this shaft.

Where are those tins you told us about? said Lucy-Ann.

Over there by that rock, said Philip, pointing. Go and see them if you want to.

He shone his torch down the shaft, but could see very little. It looked rather sinister and forbidding. What was it like down there? Were there really men down there? The children mustn’t be discovered by them grown-ups were always angry when children poked their noses into matters that didn’t concern them.

Jack I can’t find the tins, said Lucy-Ann. Philip made an impatient noise. How silly girls were! They never could find anything. He strode over to show them the pile.

Then he stopped in astonishment. The place under the rock was empty. There was nothing there at all. The tins had been removed.

Look at that, Jack, said Philip, forgetting to speak softly. All those tins have gone. Who took them? Well that just shows there are people on this island people who have been here since we last came too. I say isn’t this exciting!

Chapter 19


Lucy-Ann looked round her fearfully as if she half expected to see somebody hiding behind a rock.

I don’t like to think there may be people here we don’t know anything about, she said.

Don’t be silly, said Jack. They’re down in the mines. Shall we go down this shaft now, and see what we can discover?

The girls didn’t want to, but Lucy-Ann felt that it would be worse to stay up above ground, all alone with Dinah, than it would be to go down and keep with the boys. So she said she would go, and Dinah, who wasn’t going to be left all alone, promptly said she would go too.

Philip spread the map of the underground mines out on the ground, and they all knelt down and studied it. See this shaft goes down to the centre of a perfect maze of passages and galleries, said Philip. Shall we take this passage here? it’s a sort of main road, and leads to the mines that were worked right under the sea.

Oh no, don’t let’s go there, said Lucy-Ann, in alarm. But the other three voted to go there, so the matter was decided.

Now, Kiki, if you come with us, you are not to make a noise, warned Jack. Else, if we go anywhere near the miners, they will hear you, and we shall be discovered. See?

Eena meena mina mo, said Kiki solemnly, and scratched her poll hard.

You’re a silly bird, said Jack. Now mind what I’ve told you don’t you dare to screech or shout.

They went to the head of the shaft. They all peered down, feeling rather solemn. An adventure was exciting, but somehow this one seemed a bit frightening, all of a sudden.

Come on, said Philip, beginning to go down the ladder. Nothing can happen to us really, even if we are discovered. After all, we first came to this island to see if we could find a Great Auk for Freckles. Even if we were caught we could say that we’d keep our mouths shut. If the men are friends of Bill Smugs, they must be decent fellows. We can always tell them we are his friends.

They all began to climb down the long long shaft. Before they were half-way down they wished they had never begun their descent. They had not guessed they would have to go so far. It was like climbing down to the middle of the earth, down, down, down in the darkness, which was lit now by the beams from four torch lights.

You girls all right? asked Philip, rather anxiously. I should think we must be near the bottom now.

My arms are terribly tired, said poor Lucy-Ann, who was not so strong as the others. Dinah was more like a boy in her daring and strength, but Lucy-Ann was small compared with her.

Stop a little and rest, said Jack. Golly, Kiki feels heavy on my shoulder. That’s because my arms are a bit tired too, I expect, with holding on to the ladder-rungs.

They rested a little and then went on downwards. Then Philip gave a low exclamation.

I say! I’m at the bottom!

With great thankfulness the others joined him. Lucy-Ann promptly sat down on the ground, for her knees were aching now, as well as her arms. Philip flashed his torch around.

They were in a fairly wide passage. The walls and ceiling were of rock, gleaming a coppery colour in the light of the torches. From the main passage branched many galleries or smaller passages.

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Categories: Blyton, Enid