Blyton, Enid – Famous Five 07 – Five Go Off to Camp

‘Thank you very much for a lovely day and lovely food!’ he said. ‘We must go now. Come along, Anne.’

‘Wait a minute,’ said Mr Andrews. ‘I just want to warn you all very solemnly that you mustn’t go down to that railway yard. You hear me, Jock? You might never come back. Old Wooden-Leg Sam’s mad, and well he may be, with spook-trains coming along in the dead of night. It’s a bad and dangerous place. You’re not to go near it!’

‘Well – thank you for the warning, sir,’ said Julian, politely, suddenly disliking the small man with the big nose very much indeed. ‘We’ll be going. Goodbye, Mrs Andrews. Goodbye, Jock. Come along tomorrow and have a picnic with us, will you?’

‘Oh, thanks! Yes, I will,’ said Jock. ‘But wait a minute – aren’t you going to take any food with you?’

‘Yes, of course they are,’ said Mrs Andrews, getting up from her chair. She had been listening to the

conversation with a look of puzzled wonder on her face. She went out into the scullery, where there was a big, cold larder. Julian followed her. He carried the two baskets.

Til give you plenty,’ said Mrs Andrews, putting loaves, butter, and cream cheese into the baskets. ‘I know what appetites you youngsters get. Now don’t you be too scared at what my husband’s just been saying – I saw that little Anne was frightened. I’ve never heard of the spook-trains, and I’ve been here for three years. I don’t reckon there’s much in the tale, you know, for all my husband’s so set on warning you not to go down to the yard.’

Julian said nothing. He thought that Mr Andrews had behaved rather oddly about the whole story. Was he one of the kind of people who believed in all sorts of silly things and got scared himself? He looked weak enough! Julian found himself wondering how a nice woman like Mrs Andrews could have married such a poor specimen of a man. Still, he was a generous fellow, judging by all Jock had said, and perhaps Jock’s mother felt grateful to him for giving her the farm and the money to run it with. That must be it.

Julian thanked Mrs Andrews, and insisted on paying her, though she would have given him the food for nothing. She came into the kitchen with him and he saw that the others had already gone outside. Only Mr Andrews was left, eating ham and pickles.

‘Goodbye, sir,’ said Julian politely.

‘Goodbye. And you remember what I’ve told you, boy,’ said Mr Andrews. ‘Bad luck comes to people who see the spook-trains – yes, terrible bad luck. You keep away from them.’

Julian gave a polite smile and went out. It was evening now and the sun was setting behind the

moorland hills, though it still had a long way to go before it disappeared. He caught up with the others. Jock was with them.

‘I’m just coming half-way with you,’ said Jock. ‘I say! My stepfather was pretty scary about those trains, wasn’t he?’

‘I felt pretty scary too, when he was warning us about them,’ said Anne. ‘I shan’t go down to that yard again, ever. Will you, George?’

‘If the boys did, I would,’ said George, who didn’t look very much as if she wanted to, all the same.

‘Are you going to the yard again?’ asked Jock, eagerly. ‘I’m not scared. Not a bit. It would be an adventure to go and watch for a spook-train.’

‘We might go,’ said Julian. ‘We’ll take you with us, if we do. But the girls aren’t to come.’

‘Well, I like that!’ said George angrily. ‘As if you could leave me behind! When have I been scared of anything? I’m as brave as any of you.’

‘Yes. I know. You can come as soon as we find out it’s all a silly story,’ said Julian.

‘I shall come whenever you go,’ flashed back George. ‘Don’t you dare to leave me out. I’ll never speak to you again if you do.’

Jock looked most surprised at this sudden flare-up of temper from George. He didn’t know how fierce she could be!

‘I don’t see why George shouldn’t come,’ he said. ‘I bet she’d be every bit as good as a boy. I thought she was one when I first saw her.’

George gave him one of her sweetest smiles. He couldn’t have said anything she liked better! But Julian would not change his mind.

‘I mean what I say. The girls won’t come if we do go, so that’s that. For one thing, Anne certainly

wouldn’t want to come, and if George came without her she’d be left all alone up at the camp. She wouldn’t like that.’

‘She could have Mr Luffy’s company,’ said George, looking sulky again.

‘Idiot! As if we’d want to tell Mr’Luffy we were going off exploring deserted railway yards watched over by a mad, one-legged fellow who swears there are spook-trains!’ said Julian. ‘He’d stop us going. You know what grown-ups are like. Or he’d come with us, which would be worse.’

‘Yes. He’d see moths all the time, not spook-trains,’ said Dick, with a grin.

‘I’d better go back now,’ said Jock. ‘It’s been a grand day. I’ll come up tomorrow and picnic with you. Goodbye.’

They called goodbye to Jock, and went on their way to the camp. It was quite nice to see it again, waiting for them, the two tents flapping a little in the breeze. Anne pushed her way through the tent-flap, anxious to see that everything was untouched.

Inside the tent it was very hot. Anne decided to put the food they had brought under the bottom of the big gorse bush. It would be cooler there. She was soon busy about her little jobs. The boys went down to see if Mr Luffy was back, but he wasn’t.

‘Anne! We’re going to bathe in the stream!’ they called. ‘We feel hot and dirty. Are you coming? George is coming too.’

‘No, I won’t come,’ Anne called back. ‘I’ve got lots of things to do.’

The boys grinned at one another. Anne did so enjoy ‘playing house’. So they left her to it, and went to the stream, from which yells and howls and shrieks soon came. The water was colder than they expected, and

nobody liked to lie down in it – but everyone was well and truly splashed, and the icy-cold drops falling on their hot bodies made them squeal and yell. Timmy didn’t in the least mind the iciness of the water. He rolled over and over in it, enjoying himself.

‘Look at him, showing off!’ said Dick. ‘Aha, Timmy, if I could bathe in a fur coat like you, I wouldn’t mind the cold water either.’

‘Woof,’ said Timmy, and climbed up the shallow bank. He shook himself violently and thousands of icy-cold silvery drops flew from him and landed on the three shivering children. They yelled and chased him away.

It was a pleasant, lazy evening. Mr Luffy didn’t appear at all. Anne got a light meal of bread and cream cheese and a piece of gingerbread. Nobody felt like facing another big meal that day. They lay in the heather and talked comfortably.

‘This is the kind of holiday I like,’ said Dick.

‘So do I,’ said Anne. ‘Except for the spook-trains. That’s spoilt it a bit for me.’

‘Don’t be silly, Anne,’ said George. ‘If they are not real it’s just a silly story, and if they are real, well, it might be an adventure.’

There was a little silence. ‘Are we going down to the yard again?’ asked Dick lazily.

‘Yes, I think so,’ said Julian. ‘I’m not going to be scared off it by weird warnings from Pa Andrews.’

‘Then I vote we go one night and wait to see if a spook-train does come along,’ said Dick.

‘I shall come too,’ said George.

‘No, you won’t,’ said Julian. ‘You’ll stay with Anne.’

George said nothing, but everyone could feel mutiny in the air.

‘Do we tell Mr Luffy, or don’t we?’ said Dick.

‘You know we’ve said we wouldn’t,’ said Julian. He yawned. ‘I’m getting sleepy. And the sun has gone, so it will soon be dark. I wonder where old Luffy is?’

‘Do you think I’d better wait up and see if he wants something to eat?’ said Anne, anxiously.

‘No. Not unless you want to keep awake till midnight!’ said Julian. ‘He’ll have got some food down in his tent. He’ll be all right. I’m going to turn in. Coming, Dick?’

The boys were soon in their sleeping-bags. The girls lay in the heather for a little while longer, listening to the lonely-sounding cry of the curlews going home in the dusk. Then they, too, went into their own tent.

Once safely in their sleeping-bags, the two boys felt suddenly wide awake. They began to talk in low voices.

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Categories: Blyton, Enid