Blyton, Enid – Famous Five 14 – Five Have Plenty of Fun

And then she went into the girls’ room – and there was Anne fast asleep too – and GOOD GRACIOUS, could that be George? But surely George was kidnapped – then how – why – where…

Her mother suddenly put her arms round the sleeping George and kissed her and hugged her. She had worried so much about her – and now here she was, safe and sound after all!

George awoke at once. She sat up and gazed at her mother and father in astonishment.

‘Oh – you’re back! Oh, how lovely! When did you come?’

‘Just now,’ said her mother. ‘But George – why is everyone asleep – and how did you get here – we thought you were…’

‘Oh, Mother – yes, of course you don’t know half the story, do you?’ said George. ‘Gosh, there’s Berta here too – and your Pops, Berta! Hallo, everyone.’

She was still so sleepy that she was not quite sure whether this was a dream or not. But then Anne woke up and squealed, and that woke Julian and Dick. They came into the very crowded bedroom, and soon there was such a noise that Joan and Jo, in the room above, awoke too.

Down they came, looking very dishevelled, Joan full of apologies. She rushed downstairs to put some coffee on and bumped into the two policemen in the hall. She screamed.

‘Excuse me, Miss,’ said the sergeant to Joan. ‘Isn’t anyone ever coming down again? We’re supposed to be guarding Miss Berta.’

‘Oh my – you don’t need to do that now!’ said Joan. ‘Didn’t Master Julian telephone you last night – this morning, I mean – I thought he was going to.’

‘What about?’ said the sergeant.

‘About the kidnappers. Everything’s all right,’ explained Joan to the two astonished policemen. ‘We’ve got Miss George back – and oh, bless us all, there’s those kidnappers – you haven’t been told they’re all locked up and waiting for you, have you?’

‘Look here, Miss, what are you talking about?’ said the sergeant bewildered. ‘This is too bad – what do you mean – kidnappers locked up and waiting!’

‘Master Julian!’ called Joan, ‘the police are here – and you forgot to telephone and tell them what happened last night. They’d better go to that house and get the men, hadn’t they?’

‘I knew there was something I’d forgotten,’ said Julian, running down the stairs. ‘I did mean to telephone, but I was so tired that I forgot.’

Everyone then came downstairs and went into the sitting-room. Jo was shy with so many people there, and wouldn’t sit anywhere near the two policemen.

‘I’ve just been told, Mr Wright, sir, that there’s no need to guard your daughter now,’ said the sergeant, rather stiffly. ‘Seems as if the police are the last to hear about anything!’

‘Well, the fact of the matter is that we found out that Gringo, who owns the Fair called Gringo’s Fair, was paid to kidnap Berta,’ said Julian. ‘He kidnapped George instead, by mistake. We found out where Gringo had taken her and went to rescue her last night. You go on, Dick.’

‘And we left Gringo and somebody else locked up in a room on the ground floor, and two other people locked up in a top-floor room – and we’ve left the front door open for you and the drive gates open too,’ said Dick. ‘So don’t be too annoyed about it, Sergeant, because we really have tried to make things easy for you! We’ve rescued George, as you see – and now you can get the men.’

The sergeant looked as if he found it difficult to believe a single word! Uncle Quentin tapped him sharply on the shoulder.

‘Well, look alive, man – they’ll escape before you can get them if you don’t hurry.’

‘What’s the address?’ said the sergeant, stolidly.

‘I don’t know the name of the house, or the lane it’s in,’ said Julian. ‘But you go through the village of Twining, turn to the left, and it’s the house up on the hill.’

‘How did you find out all this?’ said the sergeant.

‘It’s too long to tell you now!’ said Dick. ‘We’ll write it all down in a book, and send you a copy. We’ll call it – er – we’ll call it – what shall we call it, you others? It’s a peculiar adventure really – it ended with everyone fast asleep in bed!’

‘I want some coffee,’ announced Uncle Quentin. ‘I think we’ve talked enough. Do go and catch your kidnappers, my good men.’

The policemen disappeared. Mr Elbur Wright beamed round happily, Berta on his knee.

‘Well, this is a very happy ending!’ he said. ‘And I can take my little Berta back with me after all!’

‘Oh no!’ wailed Berta, much to her father’s surprise.

‘What do you mean?’ he asked.

‘Gee, Pops, be a honey and let me stay on here,’ begged Berta. ‘These kids sure are wunnerful.’

‘WonDERful, wonDERful, wonDERful!’ chanted the others.

‘Of course let her stay on if she’d like to,’ said Aunt Fanny. ‘But as a girl this time, not a boy!’

George heaved a sigh of relief. That was all right then. She wouldn’t mind Berta as a girl, even though she was a silly girl!

‘Woof!’ said Timmy suddenly, and made everyone jump.

‘He says he’s jolly pleased you’re staying, Berta, because now Sally-dog will have to stay too,’ said Dick. ‘So he’ll have someone to play with as well!’

‘Shall we really send the sergeant a book about this adventure?’ said Anne. ‘Did you really mean it, Dick?’

‘Rather!’ said Dick. ‘Our fourteenth adventure – and may we have many more! What shall we call the book?’

‘I know!’ said George, at once. ‘I know! Let’s call it “FIVE HAVE PLENTY OF FUN”.’

Well, they did – and they hope you like it!

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Categories: Blyton, Enid