Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming by Roger Zelazny and Robert Sheckley. Part 5

“I’ve just got a few things for him,” Azzie said. “A dagger. An invisible cloak.”

“Let me see them,” Babriel said. “Hmm. Dagger seems all right. Can’t tell much about this cloak, though.”

“That’s because it’s invisible,” Azzie said. “But you can feel it, can’t you?”

Babriel felt it all over.

“I guess it feels okay,” he finally acknowledged.

“Even if it didn’t,” Azzie asked, “who’d know the differ­ence?”

“I’d know,” Babriel said. “And I’d tell.”

Prince Charming lay trussed up and feeling foolish. Why hadn’t he paid attention to what the shaggy pony had tried to tell him? Now it couldn’t continue the questing lecture. Why hadn’t he believed? If you won’t believe an oracular shaggy pony, what will you believe? It did smell good, though. . . .

Then he heard a sound. It sounded like someone saying, in a loud whisper, “Hey there!”

“Who is it?” he asked.

“Your uncle Azzie.”

“I’m glad you’re here, Uncle! Can you get me out of this?”

“Not directly, no. But I do have a couple of things for you.”


“The first is an enchanted dagger. It will cut your bonds.”

“And the second?”

“A cloak of invisibility. You can use that to get out of the mess you’re in.”

“Thanks, Uncle! I’d do the same for you!”

“I doubt that,” Azzie said. Aiming with care, he dropped the dagger. It went point first into a log beside which Charming was propped.

“Got it,” Charming said.

“Good boy. Now here’s the cloak of invisibility. Be sure to read the instructions. And above all, do not remove them under penalty of law! Good luck! I’ll see you a little later.”

Charming heard something soft falling, landing near him with a hushed whisper. That would be the cloak. After the enchanted dagger had cut his bonds, he looked for the cloak but couldn’t find it. That figured, he realized. It wouldn’t be easy to find an invisible cloak, especially on a dark night.

Chapter 6

The demon knights were returning. They were singing,

Fair is foul and bread is dead

Put pease pudding in his head

And stuff his gut with fine persimmons

Till he looks like Jack Fitzsimmons.

No one had ever explained the meaning of this verse. It was very old, from a time when men found obscurity a com­forting way of life.

The demon knights sprawled about the campground then, grunting, stretching, chuttering, yawning. With an occasional belch and considerable scratching, they settled themselves quickly.

Charming turned to the cloak. It wasn’t there again. Then he caught sight of the tag, a small square of cloth with phos­phorescent writing on it. It said, DO NOT REMOVE THIS TAG UNDER PENALTY OF DIVINE PUNISHMENT. PLEASE READ IN­STRUCTIONS ON OTHER SIDE. Charming tried to read the in­structions on the other side but they were not illuminated.

He arranged the cloak around himself as well as he could and started walking softly among the sprawled ranks of war­riors.

A slight inconsistency in the height of the ground caused him to stumble and brush against one of the figures.

” ‘Ere there!” An unsteady hand reached out and seized him. “Boys, ye ken what I’ve found?”

“Why you got your fist half-clenched like ‘at, Angus?” the others cried.

“Because within it, my friends, I’ve got holt of an invisible spy.”

“I’m not a spy!” Charming cried.

“But you are invisible, won’t try to deny that, will you?”

Charming broke free and ran. The knights got up and chased after, awakening others with their loud hoots.

From behind him came their cries. These were answered by shouts from ahead. At first Charming thought it was an echo. But then the fact that the cries from before him were becoming louder tipped him off to the real situation. There were demon knights ahead as well as behind. They must have moved quickly to cut him off. He saw that he was going to have to pass through their ranks.

Pausing to re-drape the cloak of invisibility, he was fas­cinated to see his hand disappear as soon as the cloth was passed over it. Charming could look through the cloak and through his hand that it covered and see the ground beneath it.

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Categories: Zelazny, Roger