“You know there were other reasons,” said Kta grimly. ‘This was only her public excuse, a means to pass blame. My lord Gan, was that the sum of the message?” “In sum,” said Gan, “that Elas is outlawed in all holdings of Nephane; that all citizens must treat you as enemies; that you, Kta, and all with you, are to be killed-excepting lord Kurt, who must be returned alive and unharmed to the Methi’s justice.”

“Surely,” said Kta, “Hnes will not comply.”

“Indeed not. Irain knew that. I doubt even they would execute that order, brought face to face with you.”

“What will you, sir? Had you rather we spent the night elsewhere? Say it without offense. I am anxious to cause you no inconvenience.”

“Son of my friend,” said Gan fiercely, “there are laws older than Nephane, than even the shining city itself, and there is justice higher than what is writ in the Methi’s decree. No. Let her study how to enforce that decree. Stay in Acturi. I will make this whole island a fortress against them if they want a fight of it.”

“My friend, no, no, that would be a terrible thing for your people. We ask at the most supplies and water, in containers that bear no mark of Hnes. Tavi will clear your harbor at dawn. No one saw us come save only Ilev, and they are house-friends to us both. And I do not plan that any should see us go. Elas has fallen. That is grief enough. I would not leave a wake of disaster to my friends where I pass.”

“Whatever you need is yours: harbor, supplies, an escort of galleys if you wish it. But stay, let me persuade you, Kta -I am not so old I would not fight for my friends. All Acturi’s strength is at your command. I do not think that with war against Indresul imminent, the Methi will dare alienate one of her possessions in the Isles.”

“I did not think she would dare what she did against Elas, sir, and Shan t’Tefur is likely hard behind us at the moment. We have met him once, and he would act against you without hesitation. I know not what authority the Methi has given him, but even if she would hesitate, as you say, an attack might be an accomplished fact before she heard about it. No, sir.”

“It is your decision,” said Gan regretfully. “But I think even so, we might hold them.”

“Provisions and weapons only. That is all I ask.”

“Then see to it, my sons, quickly. Provide Tavi with all she needs, and have the hands start loading at once.”

The two sons of Hnes rose and bowed their respects all around, then went off quickly to carry out their orders.

“These supplies,” said Gan, “are a parting gift from Hnes. There is nothing I can send with you to equal the affection I bear you, Kta, my almost-son. Have you men enough? Some of mine would sail with you.”

“I would not risk them.”

“Then you are shorthanded?”

“I would not risk them.”

“Where will you go, Kta?”

“To the Yvorst Ome, beyond the reach of the Methi and the law.”

“Hard lands ring that sea, but Hnes ships come and go there. You will meet them from time to time. Let them carry word between us. Ai, what days these are. My sight is longer than that of most men, but I see nothing that gives me comfort now. If I were young, I think I would sail with you, Kta, because I have no courage to see what will happen here.”

“No, my lord, I know you. I think were you as young as I, you would sail to Nephane and meet the trouble head-on as my father did. As I would do, but I had Aimu’s life to consider, and their souls in my charge.”

“Little Aimu. I hesitated to ask. I feared more bad news.”

“No, thank heaven. I gave her to a husband, and on his life and honor he swore to me he would protect her.”

“What is her name now?” asked lady Na.

“My lady, she is Aimu t’Elas e Nym sh’Bel t Osanef.”

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J