C.J. Cherryh. Chanur’s Venture

He was trying. And getting harder to deceive. Pyanfar swallowed hard, and took

the damage summary as it came flickering to the screen. “We’re all right,” she

heard Hilfy say, which was probably into the com, for Tully. “We’re through. We

just had trouble with that unit. Sit still down there.”

“Blew two holes in final-backup,” Pyanfar muttered to Haral, in


“Gods,” Haral said. That was all. And sent Kshshti system image her way, onto

all the screens. “Not much, this place.”


It was not. A dull orange sun with only moons for company, moons and a station.

Small mining, sufficient for its needs. Some trading. Mostly mahendo’sat

maintained it because it would be someone’s, situated as it was; and best it

should be theirs, when it was a connection on a route straight for Maing Tol

from Kefk, inside kif space. With a shipyard facility, thank the gods.

“Lot of traffic,” Pyanfar muttered, picking up the com chatter. “Gods-rotted lot

of traffic to be out here at this hole.”

“Kita,” Haral reminded her.

“Kita for sure. Word got spread uncommon fast, didn’t it? Or we lost more time

than we ought in that jump.”

“Huuuhn.” No comment. Not here, not now. Not with Khym on the bridge.

Twenty stars were The Pride’s regular ports of call. Not Kshshti. It was not a

port any hani sought.

“Nasty little place,” Geran muttered from back along the counter. “Real nasty.”

* * *

There was time. There was time for a great many things as The Pride came limping

in toward Kshshti–

Time to hear the chatter of the station before their wavefront reached station

and station’s then-wave reached them: the chitter and wail of methane-breathers

in confused conference, the clicking sounds of kif whose uncoded remarks were on

ordinary kifish business, terse and uninfprmative. No hani voices. No sign of

hani at all.

“Station answering,” Hilfy said as that wave came in. The feed was routine,

coldly businesslike transmission. It might have been any approach to a mahen

station, less lively than some. “Queer quiet,” Haral muttered. “I’d’ve expected

a curse to a mahen hell and back again, the way we came in.”

“Huh,” Pyanfar said. “Bet you to a mahen hell all of this is set up from the

start. We’re expected and they’re not rattling this thicket, no.”

That got a look from Haral. Not a happy one.

So they glided closer and closer to Kshshti with the noise of methane-breathers

whispering over com.

Rimstation. Border station. Kif claimed the star; mahendo’sat had built the

station and held it with the tc’a and chi, whose mining had no particular

profit. Nothing at Kshshti did . . . except its nuisance value to kif ambitions

across the line.

“Where’s that shiplist?” she asked of Hilfy. “I want names, imp.”

“I’m still trying,” Hilfy said. “Station says they’ve got computer trouble.”

“Sure they do. Like the board at Meetpoint.”

“Beg pardon, aunt?”

“Gods-rotted lot of malfunctions lately. Get that list. Tell them read it off by

voice and cut the nonsense.”

“Don’t know what we can do,” Haral muttered beside her. And that was truth. The

vane systems boards flickered steady disaster under Tirun’s probes. It was all

down. Everything.

“We’ll manage,” she said, “something–” but her gut was knotted up in one

unceasing panic. She fished the repair authorization out of safekeeping and

shifted to put that in her pocket, braced for arguments with mahen officials.

There would be outcries, howls, delays if she could not face them down.

And if there was no ship for Tully, if there were the wrong kif, and no help —

Not leaving here real quick, no.

“List is in,” Hilfy said.

“To your one,” Haral said and put it to the screen.

14 Iniri-tai: Maing Tol

9 Pasunsai: Idunspol

7 Nji-no: Maing Tol

30 Canoshato: Kshshti: insystem

29 Nisatsi-to: Kshshti: insystem

2 Ispuhen: Maing Tol: repair

32 Sphii’i’o: V’n’n’u

34 T’T’Tmmmi: N’i’i

40 A’ohu’uuu: Tt’a’va’o

49 knnn

50 knnn

51 knnn

52 knnn

10 Ginamu: Rlen Nle

20 Kekkikkt: Kefk

21 Harukk: Akkt

22 Inikktukkt: Ukkur

8 Ehrran’s Vigilance: Anuurn

15 Ayhar’s Prosperity: Anuurn

3 The Pride of Chanur: Anuurn: enroute

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J