Camus: A Critical Examination



Becker, Ernest. The Denial of Death. New York: Free Press, 1973.

Becker, Finest. The Stranger of Evil: An Essay on the Unification of the Science of Man.

New York: George Braziller, 1968 Dewey, John Art as Experience New York G P Putnam’s Sons, 1958

Dewey, John. Experience and Nature. New York: Dover, 1958. Dewey, John. Human Nature and Conduct. New’York: Henry Holt & Co., 1922. Dewey, John. The Quest for Certainty. New York: G. P.

Putnam’s Sons, 1960. Dewey, John. The Theory of Valuation. International Encyclopedia of Unified Science,

vol. II, no. 4. Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1962. James, William. The Principles of Psychology, vol. I. New York: Dover, 1950. [PP] Kojeve, Alexandre. Introduction to the Reading of Hegel, ed. Allan Bloom, tr. James H.

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Hazel Barnes. New York: Philosophical Library, 1956. Sartre, Jean-Paul. The Communists and the Peace: With a reply to Claude Lefort, tr.

Martha H. Fletcher; reply, tr. Philip R. Berk. New York: George Braziller, 1968. Sartre, Jean-Paul. Nausea, tr. Robert Baldrick. London: Penguin Books, 1965. Sartre, Jean-Paul. The Wall (Intimacy) and Other Stories, tr. Lloyd Alexander. New

York: New Directions, 1969. Sartre, Jean-Paul. The Words, tr. Bernard Frechtman. New York: George Braziller,

1964. Sartre, Jean-Paul, Director. Les Temps Modernes, vol. 7, no. 79, Paris, Mav 1952; and

vol. 8, no. 82, Paris, August 1952.

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