Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: The dreams are only instructional forms and a reality as valid as structural life, and often more valid. Most seem to not quite understand just how deep the illusion of “normal life” really is.

R: Are “the flyers” in The Active Side of Infinity more than an allegory for this?

M: In CC terms, yes. “Flyers” is something of a dubious term because there is more significance than the “fleeting” images that the term “flyers” might imply.

M: There are clues for you in the paragraph that provided the statement. There is a threshold, you are positioned upon it, and it is very significant for you to define it: your impetus to do so.

R: Yes, perhaps I was trying to change the subject, I suppose, because I don’t want to … I don’t know, I’m pre assigning reactions from you. But that pre assigning is based on my interpretation of what is behind your phrase, “”although the discussion has not been particularly effective … ” was a ping to question the efficacy of what is being accomplished through this interchange”: I’m right, you are wrong, go to the doctor.

M: The human form is filled from experiences originating in childhood about “struggle”. That “struggle” is often formed between the various personalities representing the various role-plays that the human form has dependencies upon, and their interpretations about: he/she versus me; right versus wrong; I versus they, etcetera. These are all human dependency forms and as such they are boundaries that limit the whole state evolution into only “being”. In general, “struggle” is also a human form dependency, and the process of “struggle” sets up boundaries that block learning the whole of being.

R: Back to the dream: I sat in the chair with the slight uneasiness of someone who was at a party and didn’t really know the people but was trying to fit in and was uncomfortable, though trying to “look good” and feeling not terribly out of place for the effort. As I looked at the vase forms, the words (characters) were no longer there. Again, this should have clued me to the fact that I was dreaming, but it did not. That was it.

M: The dreams are only instructional forms and a reality as valid as structural life, and often more valid. Most seem to not quite understand just how deep the illusion of “normal life” really is.

R: What is the “threshold point” that you perceive?

M: There are clues for you in the paragraph that provided the statement. There is a threshold, you are positioned upon it, and it is very significant for you to define it: your impetus to do so.


R: Yesterday while walking, I became very aware of all of the reactions I have to life as it flows; of how easily I get into the automaticness of my reacting.

M: Great! From the randomness, you seem to have found a pattern! (NOTE TO READERS: I deleted where I told Michael that I’d compiled his email’s paragraphs alphabetically into one, therefore randomized, file)

R: So, I began to think of my reactions to the flow of life as though I could file the thoughts that came into my head. I was therefore looking newly at each thought and evaluating it as to what to do with it like I would a file.

M: It seems that although you “were always there” during the process, the retrospective was of real benefit to you!


R: It’s amazing the nonsense thoughts that come to me but the fun thing was to notice them and categorize them saying things to myself about the noticed thoughts like: file that thought under “to tell Michael” followed by the command to myself, “done” and if the thought would re occur I’d note it as already handled (by way of a decided upon intention) and drop it. The end result of the process of doing that with the thoughts was that I was no longer annoyed by the thoughts, first of all, and second, I found myself much more able to be as without thoughts as I’ve ever gotten. So it was good.

M: Sometimes it us very useful to deal with these matters of self-development is this manner because one can learn what is “closed” and still what is open. Sometimes if we don’t get that “down” in a way that we can reflect on and understand, keeping it only in active minds, just increases the mind noise because there are reflections on issues that no longer require reflection, and these can become tangled up with the open items, causing something like a jumble.

R: Exactly!!! That has exactly been my “normal” way of being daily: “reflections on issues that no longer require reflection, and these can become causing something like a jumble.”

R: Telling you now reminds me to work on the same while in the house even.

M: Great!

R: And I must admit, since that walk a few days ago, I’ve not been doing it, but the important thing is that I know how and, that reminds me, I was noticing that it is different when I have something that requires visual attention; computering, TVing, dish washing, cooking, you name it. The ease of it while walking was that my eyes were not focused on anything (dj style) so what I was focused on WERE the thoughts and categorizing them. Interesting, I just made that distinction. … It just came to me that I could evaluate what I see in the same way: “not necessary to look at,” “pay attention to what you are doing”. It strikes me that I am venturing into a whole new way of being here.

M: Why, yes indeed, it is true. You are on a journey to a new way – the way of knowledge. The journey will lead to a transformation, then to another and another, until your full expansion of evolution as you define it, or let it freely progress of it’s own.


NOTE TO READERS: I’ve removed most of my part form the next few pages.

M: It seems that when you apply yourself to it, you are successful in gaining income, even though you report that you don’t respect yourself “in” that business. Why not? If you can gain income from it, and you are not taking actions that place you in conflict with yourself, then why not just accept the profit and success at that?

M: Observations:

M: Thinking of yourself as a ‘con’ is something like what psychologists used to call “the imposter syndrome” where someone has sufficiently low self-esteem that any success becomes self-denigration because a person with low self-esteem cannot accept him/herself and this includes accepting reward for effort.

M: This condenses to an issue of impeccability. If you are having conflict with it, then it is an internal conflict and it fails your own test of impeccability.

M: The denial of money is by itself hypocritical. Money, if not taken to be a path of wealth obsession, provides a structural footing so that one can progress in “the way”. It’s rather difficult to be free if one’s body is starving.

M: If you cannot live “for yourself” then you cannot truly, honestly, live for anyone. Everything is derived from how you perceive yourself. If you cannot truly and unconditionally love yourself, then you cannot truly and unconditionally love anyone. Unconditional love of self requires high self-esteem, or all one can attain is a form of “dependent love”.

M: Expanded further: why not unstick yourself. The self-esteem problem is also a self-definition problem.

M: Once in your rant you said that “you don’t give a damn about the Eagle”. Well, the secret is out: the Eagle is you. When CC/DJM said that the goal of the warrior is to gain sufficient ability to thwart consumption by the Eagle metaphor, somehow it wasn’t understood that the consumption is that of self. The goal of “freedom” allows the Eagle that is you to fly, and not perish by self-consumption.

M: We’ve had “Eagle” discussions before, so this is just an expansion. Start with the goal. The goal is freedom. The metaphor is “freedom (to avoid consumption) from The Eagle. When the body dies, or for that matter when the full consciousness leaves the body and travels into the third attention, body death or not, dependencies must be lost. This is simply necessary because to keep oneself together as coherent energy, i.e., a coherent sentient consciousness energy form (sometimes called “pure being”) there can be no distractions of self. If you can imagine your “being” consisting of energy only, then what holds it together? Intent. Yes. What causes intent? Will. If one is hanging on to dependency, or self-denigration, then there will simply not be sufficient intent or will to maintain coherence of self. What happens is that the energy, (the soul) simply dissipates into space: oblivion.

M: So, in other words, we/you are our own worst enemies. Freedom from the Eagle means loosing the human form of dependencies so that the being can be intact, coherent, and can then travel through space and time. If you are dependent, self-negating, you in the role of the eagle metaphor, basically self-destruct, albeit through inadvertence.

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