Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: It’s observed that you are increasingly working on your own integration! Part of this is recapitulation, and still more is understanding the significance of the recapitulation.

———- NOTE: Now begins the introduction of a few more people to Michael.

R: Hi Michael,

R: As you know, I don’t usually forward Castaneda related email, but I though this one for you. Let me know if you won’t be contacting him and I will reply to him with something like. “Thanks for the note, nice thoughts. Rick”

R: **I’ve been thinking about the email I forwarded to you. I have a sense of excitement about that as the person struck me as no one before has. And it has given me a bit of a thrill to think that perhaps I have been instrumental in finding “one,” who sounds to me to be more like what you’d, by your second writing to me in the beginning, thought me to be. Of course, I don’t know what you will do with this one, … but I just wanted to tell you that I had this feeling about this person.

M: At your (edited) suggestion forwarded below, the decision was made to respond to Bob – by way of copying your file and responding to (not through) you with a copy to Bob.

M: Rick – you ARE what you are, and you are unconditionally accepted.

M: Now, it is time to alter my closing to you.

M: Peace, and love

M: Michael

M: Bob, Rick has chosen to forward your e/mail to me, which is not the normal pattern of my relationship with Rick. That means, in impact and through implication, that Rick perceives your grasp of “the way of knowledge” is sufficiently evolved that he is interested in facilitating other comments for your perusal, hence he copied your file and forwarded it here.

M: Bob, The manner of this “reply” is to insert comments “within” your text, which takes on the form of a “virtual dialogue”. The “comments” inserted are prefixed with “M:” for highlight, B: for your pieces, and R: for Rick’s.

M: By way of introduction, my name is “Michael”, in the simplified form, and comments are inserted.

M: Rick, sometimes you are the master of implied statements, and this one is no exception. Sometimes with simplified statements, you imply oceans of intent, and this “request”, in the pre-edited form (for our privacy), is an example. Obviously, the decision has been made to respond.

B: Subject: Don Juan. Rick, I love your site, I have read all the books except The Art of Dreaming. I have read them each 3 times. I am still reading them. I read the books every day and I have been drawing out the information which you seem to have provided here … but continually reading the books is making an atmosphere gather around me … probably the books are entering the landscape around my body ( imprinted on my aura) or I am getting closer to them on the astral plain.

M: As one opens conceptually, then in actions, to the “power of the universe”, everything in one’s vision, understanding, and knowledge base, becomes altered. It is always “difficult” and even perhaps tenuous to use the term “power” because of the manner in which normal society utilizes that term. A far better, and less-specific, term might be “attributes” or “abilities”. Every human who exists in the simple organic form, carries within themselves their own versions of “realities”. Most contain those realities within the very narrow framework of “the human form”, which at best is a very limited understanding. Often this understanding is information-based, and not “knowledge-based”. Information, per se, is just a sequence of details and facts, and “knowledge” results when information become integrated into self and utilized to gain experience.

M: The “way of knowledge” is just that: pure knowledge; not infiltrated by the human form.

M: DJM, through CC’s rattling caused by his own human form dependencies and obfuscations, attempted to convey information that “could be” converted into knowledge. From your e/mail to Rick, you are on the threshold of potentially having that transition (at least as a possibility), and ultimately this causes a transformation of self.

M: An candidate apprentice, last evening when we were together, inquired “how long does this take?”. The correct response is: the rest of your life; and, beyond the human form. The vigilance of intent continues throughout the third attention. After some level of success at evolution, the energy of intent becomes a constant and auto-reflexive, and no effort is required.

M: Bob, what is beginning to evolve for you is that you are connecting by opening yourself to other fields, energy and forces that are ubiquitous throughout the universe. You are “not” having your landscape “entered” in this manner. What is happening is that you are extending yourself, and the “landscape” is imprinting itself upon, in, and through, you. It is more accurate when you said that you “are getting closer to them on the astral plane” – because by extending yourself, perceiving all around you, the plane is connecting to you.

B: Never the less I have had very grate results in stopping my internal dialogue, and in getting rid of self importance. It is having very strange consequences though … when I talk with other people I still my voice and I hear everything that they say, but THEY are almost like they are looking INSIDE themselves instead of looking at me. By the way they are exactly like they always have been, its just I am no longer looking in the mirror.

M: The definitions and applications of what “self-importance” really means will be an active, and sometimes difficult and troubling inquiry within you for a long time. Your observations made in the statement above, through, are accurate. “They” are stuck in the human form of self: an internalized “safe” cocoon that few really manage to escape. As one approaches loosing the human form and it’s tenacious dependencies upon which most rely upon for their own versions of realities, the discovery that you have made is quite normal, and this realization is indicative of the early phase of your transition.

B: They still are. It is frightening to realize that I do not know anyone who is living in reality, in the moment, outside of their heads. You realize that what the voice in your head is, it is the ego.

M: Would that it could be that simple: it is more tangled than that in process. The perception that you have indicated “it is frightening” is also a very normal response, because it implies no dependencies on others and this suggests that a pervasive feeling of “loneliness” can become invasive. The perception of “isolation” or “loneliness” is a transitional segment of the process of evolution on “the way of knowledge”. When one wholly opens and connects to “all” of the universe, one can never be lonely again because one becomes connected and interactive with “all”. What is, or can be, overwhelming is the responsibilities that come with this: nothing is unearned; and, responsibility is the price.

B: I have moved my assemblage point to the sight of no pity. I know this because I exhibit all the characteristics described … except I can not see.

M: The suggestion is made that caution is required. Moving to the “no pity” (using your words) state is only a component of the evolution, although it is a very important component because “pity” is a major element of the human form. Since all pity starts with self-pity, and is by itself an isolation “ego-me” statement, loosing that causes a temblor of self because one can seek to “replace it” in some substitutional manner. Contemplate this: who are you?; what are you now?; what do you wish to evolve to be?. From perception, there is concern that your self definitions are frail and tenuous.

B: Now I can see the future a lot, I can see into peoples houses over the phone and tell what they are wearing, but I can not see the Lines of Force. I have seen that I am the object I am looking at though.

M: Place emphasis on “perceiving”, feeling the flow of information, energy, and gathering knowledge through “perception”, and importantly: look beyond the object of yourself because yourself is a block.

B: Do you have any insight into the mechanics of seeing. I have some methods I have found particularly expeditious in shutting off the ego. I can also read peoples minds. Now I could do this before I realized WHY you have to get rid of the ego. You can get psychic with a full blown ego, while you are still asleep, but then it is a dangerous trap.

M: Contemplate deeply the sub-sets of the above paragraph. Be very careful in “shutting off the ego” because “the ego” forms such a huge base within the human form, that simply “shutting it off” can lead to a void, and voids can lead to dependencies that reinforce, not vacate, the human form. If you are not ego-based, who/what are you?

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