Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

B: Thank you for the letter and all the information. As of the moment I do not mind Rick seeing my e mails.

M: You’re welcome. Rick was, and is, a facilitator and these exchanges provide another vector for his understanding. The dialogue/exchange between Rick and self has been significant and often profound. The limitations of this dialogue, however, have been based on Rick’s profile. Adding another “profile” to his observational vantage point, will be of assistance for Rick’s development so for myself, it (to the extent that it can be and still comply with your individual profile) it’s efficient because two purposes are being engaged with the same amount of effort.

B: While I was reading your E-mail, “Guardian” started running through my body … it was interesting when you talked about feeling love … I do that often with Guardian and when I do, it comes into me very strongly, and swirls around in my chest most obviously, and at these times, he seems like the way A Porpous seems to look on TV when it is interacting with people. I don’t mean it is a porpous of course..thats a similie..the best way I can explain it, the playfulness, and the intellegence. I REALLY appreciate what you have told me about the allies.

M: In the third attention, there is no gender since that is a organically based need. You might be interested to know, though, that “your Guardian” was once organically female. It would be interesting for you to place yourself out into the warm sun, as naked and private as you dare, comfortably lie down and outstretch your extremities, meditate and in the best of peace that you can develop, feel “love” as broadly and unconditional as possible. In conjunction with the warmth and energy of the sun and it’s saturation into you, through you, allow yourself to “project” your feeling of “love” I n t o the direction of the sun’s fields. It will be an experience and though that experience there is much to learn. This “learning” will occur in the bridge between the first and second attention, then in the second attention (where you will be tested for your frailties) and everything gained in the second attention will be fully brought with you into the first attention. Will full acceptance of the experience, although there may be turmoil in the learning processes, it can become seamless between the attentions.

B: To put it plainly, most people hide their emothions and feelings, from others and themselves … I have done the same often..for you I have these feelings of Respect, thats the best way I can put it, I can feel how much you know … I knew you could see the luminous egg and the lines of force, but I wanted to know concretely and so I asked … that way I knew I wasn’t just constructing you with my own thoughts. The moment I opened your first letter I felt you were a Nagual.

M: Labels and terms are convenient and useful in early phases of development and evolution. Beyond that, though, they become descriptions and descriptions can have an unfortunate tendency to become boundaries. My introduction is very, and accurately, simple: I am only myself.

M: Rick in his own manner and style has begun to learn what this implies and in time he will continue to discover the magnitude “for” himself, as you will. By exploration through these dialogues your own basis of understanding may be expanded and as this occurs you will, as you probe your own attribute-set of knowledge, also probe and discover more about the universe and it’s energy, fields, and forces that embrace and enhance the coherent sentient consciousness of the universe both in the characteristics of individuals of “free being” (those who have fully evolved) a n d in terms of the consortiums that they represent. As others evolve, the amount of consciousness that is free and coherent to conjoin in the consortium becomes increased, so facilitation is appropriate and this validates the concept that nothing is altruistic.

M: As you probe and open yourself to gather information that may be (based on your own impeccability, intent and will) become integrated as experience and hence into knowledge, there will be no need or dependency whatever on “labels” since they eventually become known to be irrelevant and only a symptom of human form limitation to compartmentalize what in fact, cannot be.

B: Thanks for everything, will write later . Bob

M: You’re welcome.

M: Peace

M: Michael

————- M: Peace is a continual state of being. Rick might choose to make an edited file of his discovery that he recently had relative to those who have lost the human form, and transmit it to you.


B: This morning while working outside … the sound, very distinct, like someone whirling a 10 foot or so section of rope, came out of my back yard from my left, about 15 feet up in the air, passed about 8 feet behind me, circled around by my right side wherein I looked up to see it, and there was nothing visual there, and then went straight out into the woods and disappeared. It did not affect the leaves in the trees, but most definitely disappeared into the distance. It was a sound outside of my head completely.

M: Allies have a way of performing “tests” upon candidates. These tests tend to become more rigorous as the apprentice/candidate develops. As an apprentice evolves, the tests are commensurate with “ability” of the candidate, with some proportionality to that ability, however sometimes the “tests” exceed the candidates’ expectations just to make the candidate “reach” a bit beyond his/her level. This “test” was rather benign, seemingly intended to get your attention and determine your response.

B: When I shut off my inner voice, 3 things happen. I begin to feel a bit heavy. Then my breathing stops completely for a moment, and then shifts to very much deeper, like doing yoga breathing exercises. And then my stomach, between my navel and my sternum begins to feel hard (not to the touch) and it feels as if it is trying to push its way out of me. In fact it does feel as if it is immerging from me (my solar plexus).

M: Better to relax, and simply accept what is happening. In ‘the sun’, scan carefully your body to learn if there are any stored memory blocks that may impede energy.

B: I will start on the sun exercises tomorrow, this type of feedback is very much needed . Since I own 2 acres of woods I am able to find private places.

M: Great! My version is my own backyard, or a resort in (snip) that we frequent.

B: I have come to the conclusion , however, that my land and home is built on a power spot, and that it has, in a very real since, snared me. It has only been recently that I have had the desire to leave this place, and though I do not know if I will, I have stated preparing to leave. I feel that within the next two years I will be relocating … this is I hope intuition rather than my own desires.

M: Be cautious. The exploration that you are beginning might inform otherwise. Sometimes it is necessary to be blown out of our “comfort zones” to make catapulting progress, but this does not seem to be the situation for you at least right now. Allow probes of perception to provide knowledge, as a suggestion.

B: I do plan on keeping my property, as I feel a strong bond with it, and will return here often, and most likely to die, physically or not. In fact this place that I own now, I saw in a dream the night before I found and bought it. That was in 1976.

M: It is very possible that you feel the way you do at this time simply because you haven’t penetrated boundaries that you carry, and once this occurs through recapitulation and peace, you might want to stay there. There could be many purposes for the property, other than to guide you.

B: I briefly read over your letter, which is what I do, read them once quickly then go back to them 3 or 4 times. I felt a connection with you also.

M: The connection, once started, may vary in intensity but it can only dissolve on your intent.

B: Oh yes one more thing I wanted to mention. For some time now I have seen a white halo around things when I look at them while silent inside. It is about 8 to 12 inches around people, and much more so around trees. Is this perhaps a preliminary to seeing. After a while I started paying no attention to it because I thought it was of no value to me. Now I think I was mistaken and that I should go ahead with looking at it. I do have a great desire to see.

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