Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: Yes. Study. See. The “white” coloration is one of the lowest energy forms, and that you perceive it in trees/plants and it’s similar to that you perceive around humans, then it provides an indication of what the energy level of “most” of the humans you see really is. Many, if not most, barely exist at this level. Some don’t even have that much field. When you see a being that is truly energetic, you’ll know. The CC/DJM description about the brilliant gold isn’t quite accurate, though it’s close. I’d provide a more detailed description, but I don’t want to influence your objectivity, so that when you “really” see something important, you’ll be able to render a description on your own.

B: Peace be With You Michael (and Rick) Bob

M: Thank you. Peace is a continual state of being. Rick might choose to make an edited file of his discovery that he recently had relative to those who have lost the human form, and transmit it to you.

M: Peace

M: Michael


R: Hello Michael,

R: After reading your email, I was thinking that your emails brought out a sense similar to one I remember having after … candy: The thought that, “This is so good that we should do it every day.” It’s like I should just keep asking you stuff because no matter what the question, the answers will be so useful. Even though my “why did you switch to ‘love'” didn’t get the seven page answer I was hoping for …

M: Couple of items come to mind quickly. First, re …candy: the process serves as a high and important example of how easily we can be distracted from “a path” or a process. It’s really just a matter of being obsessive over something else, and that this something else blocks out what we otherwise know would bring a better balance to ourselves. You bring up a very good example in this because it highlights the intensity of distractions and how self-defeating they can be. The ultimate result is in these imbalances, is failure in many things, with the possible exception of what the obsession/distraction was about as a focus.

M: Regarding the lack of the “seven” page metaphoric e/mail that you indicate you wanted, the process and fact of being able to love is really simple, since it is only a reflection of oneself. The concept, of course, is foreign to almost everyone other than those who may be able to achieve it. It is recognized, though, that although the concept is simple once the human form is lost, it takes many self-directed actions (demonstrating intent) to evolve to that point. Because it is very useful for one to consider through contemplation and thought processes these ideas, sometimes “seven pages” would only serve as a diversion, not assistance.

M: Think about this: What would it take for you to be able to love yourself unconditionally? What would it take for you to be able to love another unconditionally? If you were able to accomplish this state of being, what would it feel like? What would be it’s significance?

M: Now, also about the “seven” missing pages: You seem to be stuck in the concept that YOU had to do something to provide impetus for ME to make the change in the closing.

M: Contemplate your list of answers to the above questions, then review the comment above.

R: Having Bob’s emails has added an interesting twist to our exchanges. It reminds me of reading CC books in that I’m reading about another’s second attention experiences, but with the added realness that you add to it.

M: Oh yes. It is very real — and this time you can directly participate with the other participants.

R: I wish I “got” that better, how I can participate with you both, that is. … well, I suppose that I could ask Bob questions, like, “If you ‘see’ a plant-being-thing, in one plant, does that make you want to find the other plant ‘guys?’ I know that when I ‘do’ a color, it makes me wonder why I can’t ‘do’ purple or blue. I would love to know the taste/smell … whatever it is … sense … of purple and blue, as, the colors I can ‘do’ are so satisfying to ‘do.’ … Ah, red, … pink is my favorite and just now writing it I ‘did’ pink … what an instantanious, though momentary, joy.

M: Simply by observing this/these interchanges, you learn and learning is participating. In our previous dialogues, it was only focused on you but now you may be able to find applicability TO you in the exchanges with another, and if you need to fill in something, there is access. Perhaps perceiving, with quiet meditation, and less analysis would help.

R: A couple of days ago I was thinking of Bob’s request to the spirit (I’m calling it). So as I walked I made a request. I said something to the effect of “okay guys (speaking to the spirit) I intend for my assemblage point to shift into the second attention. Come on, I’m ready, I won’t lose it. I promise, I won’t freak out. I will keep the ol’ internal dialogue off.” I said, “remember the temptation dream and how when I heard the voice in each ear I knew to stop talking to myself and then I flipped over and entered the presents of the two guys who then said that they were surprised that I’d made it to them? COME ON, BRING IT ON!!!” …

M: Impatience is “noise” by itself (grin). If you can intend and find the flow (the “glow” in the previous e/mail) you will eventually, in effect, set yourself up for the occurrences and experiences (and knowledge) that you with. Part of that commit has to be not only what you’ve stated above, BUT that you will ALSO “simply accept” the experiences and NOT go into self-denial AFTER they have happened. Without that commit, there would be no point in an ally working with you.

R: Why did you say that it was time to change your ending; “peace,” to, “love?” Actually, this is not my kind of question. Yet I find myself asking it.

M: You can perceive it by yourself, should you decide to “just open to the flow”.

R: How does one decide such things? Isn’t that exactly what I just wrote about, ending with “COME ON, BRING IT ON!!!”

M: In effect, in a few paragraphs above, there are a sequence of questions for you. Please pick those separately out and quietly work on the requested responses.

R: I suppose it to be because I told you about Bob, but then that doesn’t quit make sense to me as …

M: Correct. That would make no sense at all, then or now or anytime.

R: Why? I thought that perhaps is showed an unselfishness that, to me, was not new (and my next “R:” was written in that sense.), but that perhaps you’d not seen in me before. …

M: Ah, be careful with your feelings. Selfishness is good! There is no such thing as altruism! Please think about that in conjunction with the other questions above.

R: … I didn’t see that as any kind of change I’d made in who I am being in life and I assumed that your change from peace to love required a change in me.

M: Probably it’s best if you continue to explore this within yourself for now.

R: I would still like a clue as to where to start the exploration.

M: Attempting to, in the above …

M: As you release yourself into the flow of energy, unconditionally with the universe, things in every manner will only improve for you.

R: You know, I honestly don’t understand why I’ve not been shown the second attention while awake. I am ready. … Perhaps it’s because it doesn’t make any difference and what does make a difference is doing what I know to do and have not fully done in the first attention, in the first place.

M: You are closer than you might believe. When this occurs, it’ll be a step-function response, and the commit to accept is paramount.

R: I have noticed a physical change in the original mole. It appears to be drying up and getting smaller. I have the sense that it is leaving me. It no longer looks exactly like the UC Davis tutorial picture as it once did. All the red area has changed to one forth the size and is skin color again while the accompaining mole seems smaller. I’ve also decided to put extra effort into exercising my shoulder back to where I can use it normally. Now, I can’t raise my right elbow even to shoulder height nor put my right hand into my left shirt pocket. But there seems to be much more spontanious breathing deeply going on in me … as I continue with my all natural food as previously described … the 26th will mark 9 months.

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