Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: Understood, and in my own processes there are close parallels as there always seem to be for those, naturally as part of their natural processes, are drawn to be seekers and to engage the way of knowledge: you have no real choice; advance or be food for the Eagle. For most of us for a time, the sense that we are “different” is a basis of fear, and occasionally ego, because that is what we understand in the manner of society. Also, the dependencies of the “you should’s” of society have a way of attempting to draw us, and then slam us with conflicts, with the result that confusion prevails in an oscillatory form that can destruct us. To progress, simply accept that you are a seeker and that you are compelled to be in this state and that it is natural to you and always will be: forever. Then accept the fact that as a seeker you do not share much in common with most in society, and learn what their examples can teach you. When one learns to truly enjoin in the power and energy of the universe, one is never – repeat never – lonely again.

M: What you will find, ultimately, will be determined primarily by yourself as you investigate what occurs in these exchanges. Initially, information will be exchanged, but information is not by itself “knowledge”.

L: How can we know the difference between information and knowledge?

M: Consider anything that you “know” with confidence. Information takes the form of facts. Facts in the form of information can provide an impetus for more study. At some point, though, the information must be used to convert it into experience. If the experience does not blend and match the information, either the information was not fully accurate or the understanding of the experience was not complete. Impeccability then demands that both information and experience be evaluated to be validated, and adjusted, until the knowledge is integrated. At the point of full and uncompromised integration, without any conflict, there will be wholly no doubt that “knowledge” has been gained because it has been tested and re-tested and found to be fundamentally sound in practice and concept.

M: True knowledge occurs when information become utilized as an impetus to gain experience. Experience that is processed into understood abilities/wisdom, becomes “knowledge”.

L: It is weird how my questions are being answered by your words … something in the rhythm of time is playing here, back and forth.

M: You would be amazed if it was appropriate for me to note how connected we are becoming, and how integrated your path will take you. These words will be manifested not only through your perception but through your experience.

L: And still I am not trying to know or imagine where this can take me or what my task may be in the learning connection you are experiencing with Michael.

M: At any point, one cannot directly know in the initial phases of any particular ramp into expanded ability. At first, most humans tend to place their “desires” into a form of “anticipation” which is usually based on some preconceptions that are carried forward from earlier events/exposures/experiences in life.

L: I respect experience but try not to base my new acts in it. But again here comes the conflict. According to many, one should “learn” from past mistakes and change according to them.

M: Change is not an appropriate term: try evolve as an approach. You will always be Linda, and the attributes we share will be only enhanced as you evolve. The so-called “adjustment” is only a natural evolution.

L: Action and result. The weird thing is that I do not believe in that and as you see there is a power inside me that has some knowledge of intent but still I (my human form, ego) try to get “fixed”. There is a fantasy of reward, of easy ways (that don’t come). I feel that in order to run away from my fears I simple create more.

M: Ah, because one can never run away or escape fear. One only can resolve through recapitulation what causes the fear. There is nothing per se to “fix”, only a flow to evolve.

M: Your approach is wholly appropriate because as noted before, it is your intent and your impeccability that results in your evolution, and anything else is simply facilitation.

L: I feel my need to accomplish evolution, like a seed that has to become, manifest. I know it is there. I am open to let it be with my intent. I feel I want to be impecable about it. Though, there is “something” unknown to me that stops me.

M: The basis of this will continue to compel self-probing to understand.

L: I am struggling. At this moment I feel stronger, I do not know where to find the allies. The power that defeats me usually easily wins the battle. I fall into boredom, lack of clarity and motivation. I loose energy very easily.

M: You have been identified as a candidate. The allies will present themselves in a manner that is commensurate with your abilities. One begets another in a natural progression. Loose the tendency to self-defeat.

L: I do not know if biographical details are needed at this point, but I want to somehow introduce myself to you and Michael.

M: Most individuals that choose to extend themselves do choose to offer some details about “where they come from” to explain their current position in life. It is perceived that there has been a reasonable amount of turbulence in your early life and that you had decided early to be a seeker for something that was (at the time) very undefined.

L: It was freedom what I was looking for. My journey was not easy. I went out to the feld of life with no preparation, just my instincts and my “objectivity”.

M: Of my own early life the same could be said, and the fits and starts to desperately get onto the path were, to put it mildly, turbulent. This process seems to be normal for those like you/us. Usually, our own lack of ability/information/knowledge causes the confusion that causes the turbulence. Then, after we achieve some foothold on the foregoing, we then have to unlearn most of the survival human form blockades that we have erected based on the turmoil of the past, and this includes fear.

M: As you have experimented with information and within yourself, partially aided in fits and starts through experiences with other humans, there have been pointers that it is required by and for yourself that “you are on the way of knowledge”. It fits perfectly, and this is the “way” of your own evolution into the third attention of infinity.

L: You talk about third attention. I know I have experienced the second but do not have any control over the switches. How is it that you see I do it?

M: In moments when you silence the internal dialogue and do not replace with it with something like a mantra, which is a quieter form of distraction, you become vulnerable to seeing and participating in the second attention. Ultimately, by being wholly vulnerable, you will become invulnerable. My experiences have taken me in travels into and through the third attention on many occasions, and three of these have been with my body clinically dead (for purposes of introduction). Beyond the normal reports in clinical death of “the light” (really only second attention perceptions) there is the eternity of the third attention and all of the power and energy of the universe and the sentience that it holds in the state of “pure being”.

L: As I said in my first letter, I have some confusion about who or what I am.

M: Please be assured that this is a positive! Absent that confusion, you would not be a seeker. Please be assured that this frame of concept is quite normal for those who are predisposed, probably through the inheritance of DNA evolution, to “continue” into the third attention.

L: are there any “first” steps into this continuation?

M: You are taking them … they will expand quickly as you loose fear and become vulnerable.

L: But using rational symbols and chronological linear event description, I was born (snip) and have a son.

As a child I used to “see” things. Weird and frightening sometimes.

M: Your history parallels mine, for purposes of introduction. In my history, the events became intense starting about age eight. My own history comes from Spain: born to a mother from Seville, grandparents from Seville and Granada; father’s family from Scotland (the American side of my name).

L: I visited Spain.

M: The energy perceived in the swath between Granada and Seville is intense probably because of my ancestry.

L: I cannot recall when this stopped.

M: The need for protection (societally, that is) caused it to stop. Since it was something of a conflict from your “natural” self, and accordingly un-natural to you, stopping it would be a slow and even perhaps tortuous experience over time.

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