Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: Then, the assemblage point becomes dramatically visible.

Ed: Are you saying that one can “see” one’s own or others assemblage point when this happens. Is this the same thing as connecting with another person on a deep mental, emotional, or intellectual level when one can “see” another’s attributes because they seem to just flash like a neon sign?

M: Yes. It becomes quite literally seen. There is no imagination about it. The woman noted above, her daughter, the instant (and I mean “instant”) she learned to see immediately “saw” her mother as the 3-meter shape that she had become. Immediately. She, of course was stunned by her first encounter with “what” her mother actually was. Then she saw across the room, her father. Smaller shape, different color.

M: The level of the “ability” at this point becomes understood both through the coherence of the assemblage point, it’s color, and the color of the luminous cocoon. When first seen, it is an awesome site, then one eventually becomes accustomed to it’s being.

Ed: If the “neon sign” anology stated above fits, then I understand.

M: It fits, but you’d have to have a rather large and powerful lumens from the sign.

M: When that distraction is removed and becomes understood, in peace and the love that the coherence of unconditionality causes, on intent and will, without exertion, a focus toward the universe will cause a torus to open. It has a shape and a form, but this will not be described now to protect your objectivity. The torus is a gateway into the third attention. Those who have clinically died and lived in the light have not experienced having the light extend and open into the third attention through the torus. The torus form is bi-directional. If one simply wills to open the torus, allies can travel to the candidate and lead one through the torus, through a tunnel formation, into the third attention, or one can will oneself. At that point of travel, the impact could be staggering if the human form is not lost, and under that condition the torus would collapse and one would become back with frustration instantly as a human form in the 1st attention. If the human form is sufficiently lost, then the candidate travels through the torus, through the gateway torus, into the tunnel, and existence, with or without clinical death of the body, for the sentient consciousness of the individual is wholly in the third attention.

Ed: I’ll have to give the above some thought.

M: It’s difficult to consider from the description, of course. It has to be experienced, and that simply requires development.

M: What is seen and experienced then, is again awesome.

M: This is more than has been described to you before. It is both as a process and as an experience as or more real than any individual can ever describe until it is experienced. It is the ultimate evolution of all sentience: to return to the universe in the form of energy from with all life and matter was derived.

M: Please take this description carefully: it is, real; and, now you know more.

Ed: Michael, thanks for sharing the above with me also.

M: By having the multi-copy distribution, it accomplishes several purposes with the same amount of energy: it’s efficient. You’re welcome.


M: As you can probably discern from the exchanges that have been going on, the CC/DJM reports/descriptions can be considerably enhanced. In a way, you have been responsible for dragging me out of the closet by opening up the opportunities to dialogue with others. You might find it informative to note that those like myself tend to stay “in the shadows”. Even in “normal life” of technology, this is true and the proteges and apprentices carry the message forward.

R: Yes, I understand. I would have asked you to comment on the whole compilation of Castaneda’s stuff, as you did on the small section sent last week, one paragraph at a time, but I’ve not asked. I even thought of starting at the beginning and sending one page at a time and asking, “what do you think about this” until it was all done, but I knew you’d catch on to that real fast. Actually, it would be more effective for me to pick out what might be…. Actually, I’d be very pleased if you would read the whole thing (Castaneda compilation) and pick out, yourself, the parts that comments would improve or correct. What do you think? Or just forget that and make this new addition the best it can be? I think the later, if I have to pick, …and I’d like to have both.

M: When we first engaged in a dialogue, the CC compilation was perused in variously selected parts. The ‘problems’ that were noted were not with anything that you had done, because you had performed a significant service to those interested by condensing the whole into the pieces of the dialogue that really meant something, which primarily involved minimizing the CC babble.

M: The remaining problems exist with the DJM babble, which includes some of the misleading terms and processes that he used in instruction to CC. Certainly, some of these were because CC was a difficult student who just didn’t absorb concepts easily (DJM did call him “stupid” on multiple occasions, which at best is a poor practice for a mentor to take) but the net result is that some statements are just flatly incorrect.

M: It would take a rather large effort to wade through all of the pieces and place them into a form of “corrected context” that could then correct the errors. An alternate approach might be to underline and “fix” the errors, but then the result would be a dichotomy with the original source books. If those who then read the “fixed” condensed version on your site were also familiar with the original source books, then you’d be burdened with a great deal of explanation.

M: Part of the problem of loosing the human form, at least relative to society, is that there is no need to write a book and “flaunt” knowledge. Most of those, by observation, that do “flaunt” knowledge and seek publicity do so with the intent of making money or compensating for the self-esteem deprivations. The result of this is that they write books, of course, and my “open” exposure is then limited through dedications and references in “their” books.


R: I know something as a result of my dreaming. I know that I can maintain my internal dialogue off in dreaming by willing it, at will. And so I know that I already know how to stay in the second attention, how to intend to stay there. All that’s missing is getting there in the first place. I mention this as on a number of occasions you have talked about being blasted (my words) back to the first attention by human form attachments, and each time I’ve know exactly what you were talking about as that process is one I’ve gone through in dreaming since 1975. I couldn’t stay in dreaming more than about 20 seconds when I started but now have much confidence in being able to stay put. I actually have no doubt that were I to switch into the second attention I would automatically stay and enjoy the ride. It’s almost like I’ve not had the experience yet because I’m doing it all in dreaming anyway.

M: Yes you most certainly would enjoy the ride. All of the intonation of all the above is dramatically different than the form that you used in our earlier exchanges. Congratulations on your progress.

R: As for the “hugeness;” that is the closest I’ve ever come, the long ago described to you feeling of a nearly physical hugeness in me, around me … now thinking about it, I’ve not been able to intend that to stay when it’s happened, … so much for my good ideas.

M: At some point, it will occur more and more. Patience here is a component indication of loosing the human form, and you’re making progress.

————— Ed: Hi Michael and Gang, The last few posts have set my mind a buzz.

M: A positive thing …

Ed: When I was in Chicago, in 1979, I recall actually feeling my tendrils, they seemed to radiate about three feet in front of and around my body.

M: Yes, depending on the intrinsic ability of the individual at the time. The tendrils link into the luminous form.

Ed: Another experience that comes to mind is this. Again, in Chicago. One evening as I was leaving a McDonalds, I noticed a very large (he must have weighed over 350 pounds) man coming in the door that I was going to make my exit from. He had on shabby old clothes and had a twinkle in his eyes, I noticed that he was wearing gloves with the fingers cut out so that they were visible. My first thought was that this was a homeless individual. I couldn’t help staring at him. And then something incredible happened. His body shape kept increasing in size to the point where my field of vision was blocked by the enormity of his size. He continued to expand and then finally disappeared. I thought I had hallinciated.

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