Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

L: Was that incident more than “coincidence”?

M: Absolutely no question. “We” do not experience coincidences.

L: I understand.

M: (smile)

L: Has something really “lifted me” out of the car? My friend that saw what happened cannot understand herself what she saw.

M: Yes. One of the allies approached you. After some point of stasis for you, there are many thresholds of transition in front of you: crossings.

L: Is it going to be all the time the same ally?

M: No. Each ally has a purpose. You can connect to the consortium by extending you energy into the universe.

L: Can I get in touch with it? Know it somehow?

M: You have already begun. As long as you do not block or regress into your prior dependencies on other humans for comfort and solace, you will expand and connect more.

L: Is it “new” in my life, I mean, did it contact me lately or it has been around me for a long time already, just that I never felt its presence?

M: It is not new. You have been a candidate for a long time. You were blocked by physicalities and your dependencies on what those brought to you, along with an intense desire to “do what you wanted to, with whomever, believing that this represented freedom”. It represented independence of action, sometimes imprudently, but it substituted one form of dependency for another, so in this situation “independence” was confused with “freedom”.

M: Perhaps it is time to open something, and please contemplate this very deeply.

L: Thank you.

M: There is, quite obviously, an incredible amount of energy in the universe. This energy is omnipresent, and takes a forms only now being slightly understood by science. For brevity, some of the energy and the fields that bind the energy into coherence, is sentient.

L: By sentient you mean that this energy can have awareness and intent?

M: Yes. Sentient Consciousness. Imagine what you actually are, without a body. Look at your extremities, you hands, legs, or whatever. These are only appliances that you utilize, “not you”.

M: When one travels, indeed exists, in the third attention, one is comprised only of these fields of energy. The result is that one is only sentient consciousness of fields, a being comprised of “pure energy” in a manner of speaking. The “way of knowledge” instructs the precepts about the need to loose the human forms of distractions and dependencies so that one can “continue” into infinity as a “pure being” comprised of fields/energy, and bound – held together – through coherence of intent of the being itself.

L: I am reading this paragraph again and again. Every new time I have a different perception. I remember some things, I see some visions. It is interesting how this happens. I think I can see the experience within the experience even while I read. Repetition seems to have some power over the movement of the AP too.


M: There have been many names identified with, assigned to, beings of this nature that range from “spirits” to “souls” to “angels” to “sorcerers”. These are all just terms in a vague attempt to describe phenomena otherwise unknown.

L: It is hard to grasp energy as a sentient coherent being. This is why I suppose we needed to find names.

M: Partly this is a naked concept problem. Identify yourself in the absence of your body, or your gender. Absent those, what remains?

L: Everything in fact has names in the first attention for this same purpose. When I look at things without giving them names, or interpreting them, they become unfamiliar. Including the most familiar objects and things.

M: Then, break the link to the names and learn what remains. Even your own name has many 1st attention links. What are you if you name were to be removed? What remains?

L: At the same time, if we take the “names” or labels from dreams and other normal or abnormal experiences, then, they become all the same. A whole big perception without boundaries.

M: Yes.

L: There is a lot of magic in this journey to infinity. We have all the clues, and probably all the keys. But is it necessary to let go of interpretation.

M: Yes. In time and understanding, even what is now thought of as “magic” will just be accepted as normal.

M: One of the more “fun” things while travelling in the third attention is to execute what CC/DJM said to do: “look at/for your hands”. Since one is only energy in the third attention, then any body component literally has to be created from fields as a image based on intent, so what you see again literally, is what you construct.

M: In the third attention, the state of infinite being (or if you wish, the continuation into infinity) the energy/field form of “being” is the same throughout the universe, meaning, that the fields and energy forms are the same, no matter where or by what evolutionary process they were initially formed within the universe, and “thought” fields, energy, time and space are not the separate entities that society believes they are.

L: I understand from these words that infinity is a state, not a “place” where we finally arrive in a linear way.

M: Yes. Einstein, Schrodinger, Heisenberg, and even Leibnitz showed this.

L: Which means that in this moment, at the same time my fingers are typing with my first attention on them, believing that all I am doing is looking for my thoughts and then finding the letters on the keyboard to communicate them in words, there is some parallel interaction which I am probably experiencing, as some energy sentient being in the third attention (or infinity)?

M: Yes. Yes.

L: In this case, where does intent come from? If the ego is not the real guide or driver, then who or what is?

M: It is derived from the central core of who and what you are absent the labels. It could be said that “intent is” you, as evolved.

L: Are we all guided by that same intent or intent is something personal? Do our acts in the first attention have an effect on the parallel worlds or the opposite is the truth?

M: To the first: yes, it is personal. To the second: everything is connected to one extent or another.

M: In the third attention, one can enjoin others to in impact meld into a consortium of consciousness, gain knowledge, then detach as an individual.

L: I can see the concept of consortium. My question here is (…sorry I am asking so many questions this time, I try to answer without questions as much as I can…)

M: You’re doing well.

L: whether someone who is not aware of the third attention can be part of any consortium without knowing about it, and realize it only later, when his/her personal evolution gives him/her a clue of what was going on even in his/her past experiences? I guess that because time is not what we think it is, then this can be possible…

M: I think you answered your own question.

M: We “can” couple, even with each other with 1st attention physicality, our consciousness into one luminous form with another (apprentices can attest to this) with the impact that; for example, two beings can co-exist as one luminous form for whatever period both consent to do. It is far more intimate that any physical action that even a male and female can undertake.

L: I can figure out this in some intuitive way. I myself have never seen the luminous forms of other people. Is there any practical way to do so?

M: It helps to be able to see one’s own luminous form first. For now it’s efficient not to go too far in this description, not to let it drop, just to defer it for a while.

M: Given all that, there is a consortium, and it’s membership includes myself. The purpose of facilitating others to evolve is not altruistic, since that is a false concept even in society. By assisting through facilitation other candidates to evolve, eventually, more sentient consciousness of energy and fields are brought to the universe: all benefit.

L: How did you first became aware of the consortium that includes you as a member, as such?

M: The first contact was in about 1957 or so, when my first clinical death was experienced. By that time, there had been sufficiently ability demonstrated (starting about age 8) so that my Spanish-Catholic Mother, who always identified “her” abilities in religious terms, needed to have me visit an “special” priest who lived in the Archbishop’s residence (a mansion by itself) who was an exorcise recognized by the Church. What I found was a person who was “like me” and who hid his abilities under the awning of the Church. He, in essence, instructed me “Never tell anyone who or what you are for they will either condemn you as evil or worship you as a god”. That took years of hiding to recover from.

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