Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: Ah, the recapitulation here into understanding self and experiences are truly enjoyable! It’s amazing, as Bob can attest, when just a little self-recognition in invoked. Many things happen and that, if one does not deny and block, starts a renewed process of evolution. The threads were there all along, but remained unrecognized.

Bob: But there are no angels, not in the Christian sense … but there ARE beings … you have obviously seen them. They can be house pets, but most likely they would not take such a mundane form.

M: It is well understood, even described by “the church” that “angels” never had organic form. That, by implication, would make “angels” in fact, inorganic allies.

Ed: The reason I asked about house pets is because we used to have this very special cat. The cat would sleep with us at night and sometimes my wife and I would wake-up and talk about having had “cat” dreams during the night. The cat dreams would be as if one were seeing the world from the viewpoint of a cat.

B: I have experienced them as sounds like a rope being twirled in the air, as a fog, as a swirling mass of energy. Most of my contact has been through channeling one. The ally who is mostly in association with me from all the others. Ever had your life saved by nothing at all??

Ed: Bob, wow what a flash-back the above triggered. The year was 1954, I was seventeen years old and in a troop ship on my way to Germany. The ship was rocking back and forth in a severe winter storm. The bow of the ship would plunge into the water and seemed to stay there for about 30 seconds. Then the bow would rise out of the water for another 30 seconds and then hit the water with a loud bang before it went back under the water. This cycle was repeated again and again. I was laying below deck in my bunk. The bunks were stacked one on top of another with about 2 and 1/2 feet between them. They were stacked with enough space for six bunks, from floor to ceiling. I was on the bottom bunk. The guys above me kept getting sea sick and they would roll over and vomit. After this had happened to me about three times I decided I could’nt take it anymore. So I went above decks to get some air.

Ed: I went to the bow of the boat. The very front of the bow was where the anchor was kept. It was roped-off to keep people away from it. All of a sudden, I lost my footing when the bow headed down into the water. As the boat went down so did I. I was just barely able to hold onto the anchor. Just before the bow went into the water I held my breath. I went under water for about 30 seconds. When the bow re-surfaced I yelled for help as loud as I could, then just before the bow went under again I held my breath. This happened again and again. I recall being concerned that nobody even knew that I was on deck. After what seemed like an eternity, a rescue was put in place by having a guy being held by a rope place a rope around me and pull me up. He later told me that I was extremely lucky because he just “happened” to be in the area when he heard my calls for help.

M: There are no coincidences. Everything happens for a purpose, it is often noted.

Ed: I was driving a car one day, about 1`2 years ago, and this kid in a huge surburban started backing out right in my direction, i was surrounded by cars, so I did all I could do which was to swerve, however, my car moved SIDEWAYS into the lane of oncoming traffic, with NO FORWARD MOTION. Impossible. I found my self looking into the face of a woman in the car which would have been smashing into me had she not stopped, I was in the oncoming lane, and her mouth was WIDE OPEN. She just stared at me. Something had actually moved my car to the side into the other lane and saved me. NO FORWARD MOTION.

M: Love those “attention getting” stories….

Ed: Bob, this is terrific, you have caused me to recollect many valuable experiences. Thank you!

M: You are both triggering each other! It’s amazing, sometimes, what is “there” but concealed just under the surface.


Linda: I read your comments to this letter and I was asking myself, (after I read your last comment here) if it is so important to recall stories from the past. Is it the stories themselves or trying to reveal something hidden in them?

M: Yes. There typically is a forgotten or ignored understanding within them.

L: What is the stories’ task? Is it the same with dreams?

M: Yes. Perceptions, information, and experience.

L: How do we know that we don’t spend unnecessary energy trying to remember?

M: If it’s a struggle, then it’s not appropriate. There is always a flow when it’s appropriate and “on target.”

L: I often feel that the tendency we have as ego-oriented people is to over use our energy instead of learning how to expand it.

M: Yes. That is the point of the “no struggle” descriptions provided.

L: I fear to fall into some of my ego tricks and continue loosing energy. So this is why I am asking you this question. I want to re-teach myself the art of keeping my energy.

M: Yes.

L: Is there some special way of recalling stories and using them for our purposes?

M: Soft and self-nurture. Be kind to yourself. Be peaceful. Love.

L: I feel some emptiness. Maybe this is why I ask this question.

M: There is usually some emptiness as pieces of the human form are lost. When you can connect yourself into the power of the universe, you will never – literally – be empty or lonely again. Peace. Patience. Love.


M: The “instinct” to inquire initiates a cycle. Information is gained as given impetus from the instinct to inquire, which results in finding information sources, then absorbing the information. The information then gained has to be understood – the process that you’re increasingly involved in – and to execute that (because it takes energy to continue to engage) requires increasing commitment. Then, when the initial processes, particularly those that result in experience, find congruence within an individual, one achieves yet more motivation to gain more knowledge — all in impact acting in mutual convergence to cause evolution. ———–

B: Now I am beginning to realize why one should get rid of desires.

M: Oh yes indeed, at least desires of “obsessive” passion. The only true and valid desire that has significance is “to continue” (circumvent the Eagle) and evolve. After one “really connects” with their own abilities, there forms enormous responsibilities because of the impact one can simply (but inadvertently ‘will’) relative to others. With enhanced “ability” the old saw “be careful what you wish for” takes on a whole new expansion. This is not to say that a process of human love or desire is inappropriate for the warrior, or that wealth, property, or poverty is inappropriate. The OBSESSION toward any component, for most, represents a dependency. Any dependency is typically an indication of a person attempting to “fill in” as compensation for something missing in his/her life. If self-esteem is sufficiently low, then dependency can become an obsession. The ability “to continue” is blocked by obsessions and dependencies, not specifically by wealth or property, or poverty. Poverty can indeed impede progress because it’s difficult to explore the self, let alone the other attentions of the universe, when one is not organically protected or if one is not comfortable.


Ed: A new recollection was just triggered, from when I was five.

M: Those who are natural empaths often start initializing experiences at about this age because they are confronted with a new group, kindergarten, and have to deal with a flood of perceptions that are often foreign to them.

Ed: How very interesting. I just surfed the web to find out what an “empath” was, and now I are one! What a call you made on this one!

M: It has been observed that most individuals who are drawn to these understandings and “the way of knowledge” have some intrinsic attributes, and it is also observed that being empaths is frequently one of those attributes: normal. Bob and Linda are most certainly empathic, and Rick as he alters his approaches, will discover the magnitude of his perceptional ability.

M: NOTE: As has been admitted variously to a few of you, the connections to individuals are many. Please, it is “NOT” intended that this as a “group” dialogue be expanded, since for myself all relationships are direct.

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