Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: Good.

R: Don Juan, “The solicitation is the same as the dreaming practices. But for a perfect result, you must add to your practices the intent of reaching those inorganic beings. Send a feeling of power and confidence to them, a feeling of strength, of detachment. Avoid at any cost sending a feeling of fear or morbidity. They are pretty morbid by themselves; to add your morbidity to them is unnecessary, to say the least.”

M: The concept of inorganic beings is really difficult to many to understand initially. We, in the form of the third attention, become pure fields of consciousness, and consequently inorganic. Somehow, in the process of the instruction, it has been lost about that inorganic really means, at least in my opinion for any form of real clarity to the novice.


R: I’m thinking that I don’t know what to do next.

M: At least the process has re-awakened within you. That’s the first step.

R: Castaneda referred to a task given to him by don Juan but he never really tells us what it is.

M: At the risk of wiggling your impressions, at reminding that I’ve met Castaneda, my opinion is that don Juan Matus primarily utilized him as a scribe to transfer information through the parables and experiences that DJM sourced to CC. DJM “taught” CC, that is sourced experiences to him, primarily in the assemblage point shift of the second attention. To me, that is a very ineffective way because if nothing else, CC and the others were very disoriented about this for a long time. CC himself, was to be utilized primarily as a scribe/reporter and with that information, a transferor of information – but, and it’s sad to say – CC himself didn’t really have much energy at least from experience with my limite exposure to him. It’s useful to emphasize that DJM repeatedly informed CC that he was to serve DJM in the form of a scribe or reporter, confirming the opinion noted above. From my observation, CC had a very difficult time getting into even the second attention without the energetic help of DJM or Carol, or one of the others. A woman who was in his entourage helped him toward the end. I watched her and CC together, and because I easily see cocoons and energy, it’s simple to recognize where the energy was being derived: In my opinion, this woman in his entourage was the source and, I might add, his protector. It appears that in the later years CC relegated himself to the role as an instructor based on his information and experiences, and although he had large influence among others (I have seen this also) it was because the others “gave” it to him on their will and dependency-based need, rather than his sourcing energy to them. Also sad, when someone asked him a question that was just outside of his experience bases, he couldn’t seem to evolve an answer and I observed at least two occasions where the answers were obfuscations. If you carefully think about the interaction that DJM often utilized to CC, it was heavily biased toward CC being a scribe. The others, Florinda et al, called him (sometimes derisively) “Nagual”, but in truth, according to my observations, that would imply an energy form that he hadn’t developed at the time of our meetings (hours worth) a few years ago.

M: I believe that this is just a normal function of what DJM intended CC to be: a reporter. It also explains some inconsistencies that occurred in the two later books well after DJM departed from CC’s daily presence or access.


R: For myself, I’m now looking at how to be more impeccable, how to entice the “spirit to descend.” Again, not that I know what that means other than from reading Castaneda.

M: The energetic form required does not literally descend to you. Rather, one can summon the energy by: being wholly open to the impact and the knowledge; and, facilitating this by projection unconditional love “toward” the universe; this, basically informing the energy that ‘one is ready’. In my own experiences, it was questionable if it came to me or if I projected into it, and merged as one with it, although the more profound experiences this was the situation in the third attention. After a time, and after full engagement, a partnership of sorts forms. A previously noted apprentice, on discovering or perceiving this, became curious and perhaps confused about the separation between the individual and the power of the universe. My response to her, a very capable apprentice, took the following analogy …

M: Suppose one can imagine that each sentient being, organic or not (since sentient consciousness energy may be initially derived from organic sources, once launched into space it is itself NOT organic) forms a coherent energy ‘cell’ (CC/DJM used the ‘cocoon’ or ‘egg’ term) that can by intent move through time and space, it by itself is and must be a coherent and complete energy system. Now, suppose that at each meeting, each gathering of such energy cells, a merge is formed at the intersection. This would imply that each energy cell, while still individual as an entity, is connected during the merge. (This is what was intended to be described in my ‘joining’ with the person mentioned a couple of E-mails ago.) While connected, energy (through knowledge) is exchanged and each is enhanced.

M: Now, suppose, that there is a three-dimensional-grid form that we can call “the power of the universe”, and it is indeed universal. Suppose that this “power of the universe” is a quantum electrodynamic form of energy (Science is aware of the potential of several such forms) that streams through the universe, and that ‘we’, as sentient consciousness fields of coherence, can connect to this and direct or channel this through our intent and will, and as noted before, can join with it and with each other.

M: The apprentice came up with the comment: “we are grid members!”; and that is an very appropriate comment; we are, separate but able to engage “the grid” (using this analogy) that is formed by the intersections of each other, and with a energy stream that we can utilize to propel us through the universe much like a normal space satellite (like Voyager) is propelled through space an time by handshaking itself as a hitchhiker upon the gravitational fields of planets and moons.

M: Advancing this analogy, every time we ‘engage’ each other (meaning those of us who choose to interact, commit, bond to the extent where we merge our fields eventually) we form another meshed intersection “in the grid”. On every occasion that this occurs, the grid is made more powerful, stronger.

M: This description could continue to expand, however that is probably sufficient for now.

R: I suspect that I’m ready to experience it without an outward reaction on my part. But then that’s more of a belief about what I think one is suppose to do, based on Castaneda reading.

M: It wouldn’t matter if you did react. The point of the matter is to facilitate the connection, not if you react. In my histories, there have been many examples where I was nearly overwhelmed by a connection and did have an outward reaction. Being “detached” in the terms that you have been using in this case, means being “detached” from caring what societal’s reaction to my reaction might be, and many explanations can be offered to others on a whim. If being concerned about overt reaction somehow impedes you, then that concern forms a impediment. Being open to the experience is most efficient without any impediment whatever.

R: Perhaps it hasn’t happened because I’ve not really expected it. The doubt I’ve had, really, until listening to you. And yet, listening to you, I am not surprised in the least with my new conviction that it is true, it’s more like I’ve always known it was true. And you’ve come along at the time when I have taken what I’d held to be my major untaken step.

M: It probably will not surprise you to hear that with respect to this last phrase, I’ve heard this on many occasions … come along at the time … It reminds me of the Irish proverb: “When the student is ready the teacher appears … “, something to quietly be pleased about. There are no coincidences.

M: Perhaps you’ve been ‘holding back’, holding on to first attention schnarff (a buzz word we use around horses) “just in case” your doubts would prevail. This, it can be extrapolated, to be a self-fulfilling prophecy since ‘the doubt’ would cause a non-result.

R: The untaken step of switching to “pure” food, i.e., no refined anything, lots of fresh vegetable juice, brown rice and beans, some fish, many greens and fruits. I’ve now been doing that near perfectly for six months.

M: There is health possible simply by moderation. Typically, in normalcy at least, our bodies have sufficient filtration systems to deal with bacteriological and chemical impacts that nature foists upon us in any case. The definition of “pure” in modern terms, is much overused. Even within our bodies themselves, there are sufficient chemical events that taken out of sequence, can kill us. My opinion – and it’s an opinion of course, based on experience – is only to focus on the chemical compounds that are beneficial, but those could be artificial (even refined – Pasteurization is refinement for example) as well. If it were not for artificial assistance, heavily concentrated and distilled antibiotics, it is quite certain that my body would not be alive today.

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