Carlos Castaneda’s Don Juan’s Teachings

M: My father, picking up on discovery that he had a son that he had never seen (he knew, obviously, that I was around but we had never met) decided to pick up on my mother’s approach, and he applied in attempting to bond to me what he understood: kinetic physics; chess. My physique is short (5′ 8″) relatively, and although he held world-championship in some competitive gymnastics events while at the Naval Academy, it held no interest to me, because I only knew of intellectual pursuits, and knew zippo about sports. Anyway, my father and self, having not been imprinted with each other in the formative years initially, were “friends”, but we didn’t become close until after my mother died when I was aged about 40. He died a few years later, and I’m pleased that we had resolution to our relationship.

M: After high school, I fell (through a friend) into a field of systems integration that worked on communication and weapons systems for the government, and quite literally, I simply could “perceive” the way things worked or didn’t work. I became obsessed with this technology, and prospered in electromagnetic fields and waves. Before age 21, was managing two laboratories, and about 50 staff engineers, and at age 23 was director of systems engineering for another group, and chief engineer of a Teledyne division by about age 28. The blah-blah goes on for a long time. I became an independent consultant in 1976 working only by myself through to now. My business slowed down, after being in warp-drive for all previous years with internationally extensive travel (logging about 400,000 miles/year). Along the way, I developed extensive relationships with about 100 proteges scattered all over the planet, and of these, several “apprentices” in the way of knowledge (perhaps 20).

M: About two years ago my business dramatically slowed down, and now I’m re-basing myself, trying to find a focus for myself. Apart from the structural/historical stuff above, my ‘way on the path’ was well established (my mother and self were empaths together, and often telepaths – this runs in the family) but very confused at about age eight, and it wasn’t until my mid-thirties with the entry with the psychologist group previously noted in a prior E-mail that finally I had someone to mentor me and gain self-acceptance that I could never find in society. Once one grows up in isolation, it can never be fully reversed.

R: I would love to understand what physicists are talking about when they talk about the beauty of mathematics.

M: Advanced mathematics is only a vocabulary to describe something in a form of shorthand that could be stated with words. You might enjoy reading Roger Penrose’s book, “The Emperor’s New Mind”. In my observation, at some level of advancement, there is little difference conceptually between spatial physics, quantum electrodynamics/mechanics (read: Erwin Schrodinger and Werner Heisenberg, for example) and “the way of knowledge in the form of metaphysics. When Albert Einstein came up first with the “Special Theory of Relativity” he reported that it was based on a vision. At the time, as a matter of well documented record, Einstein did not know any advanced math. He learned math later, as a matter of need to communicate his ideas – after the fact of his ideas.

R: Aw, a practical task … I don’t think it possible anymore for it to be to learn math to a level that would allow me to teach it.

M: The commit you are making to ‘the way of knowledge’ is far more important for you in any case.

M: Now, after all of this exchange, I truly hope you attempt the perceptional exercise that was noted in this E-mail. You have learned through this and in the exchanges before, much of my experiences and now early history which was prompted only by your revelations of self. My observation is that when individuals offer histories such as that, it is appropriate to return in kind.

M: Somehow I feel the need to introduce myself to you yet again: Hello. My name is Michael. I am only myself.


More to come … let me know what you think about it. – Rick

Dialogue On The Way Of Knowledge – Part lll

I’ve added, what I’m calling, Dialogue on the Way of Knowledge, to my site, Carlos Castaneda’s don Juan’s Teachings. It began Mon, Jun 28th, 1999, when I received an E-Mail from Michael. I will use “M:” to begin his comments, R: to begin mine. This is part three of the dialogue. It continues where part 2 left off. Here, I’ve sent Michael a few of the E-mails I’d received from others and asked his opinion about some of the content. I’ve decided not to include those here but rather, just leave Michael’s comments. You can kind of guess what must have been said by his replys.


M: It is always extraordinarily difficult to learn what others really are. In my approaches, before I can establish a ‘link’ so that I can “know” through perception (the purest form of knowledge), then the literal word must be used. When people claim to be a (xxxx) [fill in the blank label] it is never obvious if they require a “label” or a “title” to somehow link themselves to something as a matter of dependency. If a “label” is affixed by themselves as a matter of dependency, then it only follows that they have not sufficiently lost the human form and that speaks oceans concerning where they are as seekers of the ‘way’.

M: Ever since CC and DJM introduced the world to the term “nagual”, it has become rather overused, I fear. The overuse causes me to think of the terms “religious” and “spiritual”. I have begun to wonder if individuals really understand what the term means …

M: Ah, humm, flag flying. The lowest brain as a point of devolution would be the primal brain: the hypothalamic brain. There is no reason in this function only metabolic regulation, emotion, and passion. The center that has been imaged in science during anger has been quite literally shown to surround the center that holds maximal energy during love. From this, it can be surmised, that the center for anger surrounds and blocks the center for love in terms of it’s energetic flows. Also, ‘the way’ simply cannot be a devolution: it must be an evolution.

M: While it is true that our cellular system do, in fact, replace themselves, they remain as energetic systems and are only a continuance of evolution, not devolution. What occurs within our sentience during these physical manipulations, however, is not well understood and certainly cannot be said “with truth”, only speculation. The speculation possible is that as the organic system migrates, it can impact the philosophy of individuals, and philosophy drives, in turn, psychology. The two combined are required to be in good alignment in order to cause maximum efficiency and lack of negative (internal) conflict, and find “the way”.

M: Having observed CC, and directed perceived him internally (field merged) in empathic ways, on this I agree. I truly do not think that CC really understood that the power was actually not his but was sourced from others. He was the reporter, as intended, and reporters can be teachers particularly because of the experiences he gained under the control of others.

M: The third attention, according to the books, was not knowable, and this is simply not true. The knowledge is brought to fore in a sequence that is commensurate with the ability of the student/traveller/warrior. Anything not experienced and understood only conceptually, is technically unknown, but to call it “unknowable” is an arrogant limitation intended to invoke mystery. Arthur C. Clarke, the noted author, said accurately that “today’s magic, is tomorrow’s technology”. Working on that concept, it could be said that “today’s mysteries, are the promise of tomorrow’s knowledge” – my own version of the comment – where “true” knowledge ultimately verifies the accuracy of falsity of ‘the mysterys’ at hand.

M: Any individual, or collective within the student troupe are, well, students seeking to learn. It’s difficult to imagine the troupe being the map any more effectively than the blind leading the blind. They may “make a map” and seek mutual comfort by that, however, evolution would be slow and there is a strong possibility that stasis would result. There were many examples of CC and “the troupe” simply being lost in their own noise. In many of the reports they reminded me of teenagers groping for a direction. Carol Tiggs did was only tangentially involved with the “troupe”, and she seems to have escaped the inefficiencies that they caused to themselves in emotion.

M: It is fully understood that Toltecs really did miss any real accuracy with their perceptions or map sequence of humanity. CC himself did go through a form of alteration in or about 1994, but this did not occur at his peak: it was a ripple during the decline into secular distraction. CC during this period apparently fell into the hands of others and they were intent on commercialization.

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