Carnegie, Dale – How To Win Friends and Influence People

HOW TO Win Friends AND Influence People


to Revised Edition

How to Win Friends and Influence People was first published

in 1937 in an edition of only five thousand copies.

Neither Dale Carnegie nor the publishers, Simon and

Schuster, anticipated more than this modest sale. To

their amazement, the book became an overnight sensation,

and edition after edition rolled off the presses to

keep up with the increasing public demand. Now to Win

Friends and InfEuence People took its place in publishing

history as one of the all-time international best-sellers.

It touched a nerve and filled a human need that was

more than a faddish phenomenon of post-Depression

days, as evidenced by its continued and uninterrupted

sales into the eighties, almost half a century later.

Dale Carnegie used to say that it was easier to make a

million dollars than to put a phrase into the English language.

How to Win Friends and Influence People became

such a phrase, quoted, paraphrased, parodied,

used in innumerable contexts from political cartoon to

novels. The book itself was translated into almost every

known written language. Each generation has discovered

it anew and has found it relevant.

Which brings us to the logical question: Why revise a

book that has proven and continues to prove its vigorous

and universal appeal? Why tamper with success?

To answer that, we must realize that Dale Carnegie

himself was a tireless reviser of his own work during his

lifetime. How to Win Friends and Influence People was

written to be used as a textbook for his courses in Effective

Speaking and Human Relations and is still used in

those courses today. Until his death in 1955 he constantly

improved and revised the course itself to make it

applicable to the evolving needs of an every-growing

public. No one was more sensitive to the changing currents

of present-day life than Dale Carnegie. He constantly

improved and refined his methods of teaching;

he updated his book on Effective Speaking several

times. Had he lived longer, he himself would have revised

How to Win Friends and Influence People to better

reflect the changes that have taken place in the world

since the thirties.

Many of the names of prominent people in the book,

well known at the time of first publication, are no longer

recognized by many of today’s readers. Certain examples

and phrases seem as quaint and dated in our social

climate as those in a Victorian novel. The important message

and overall impact of the book is weakened to that


Our purpose, therefore, in this revision is to clarify

and strengthen the book for a modern reader without

tampering with the content. We have not “changed”

How to Win Friends and Influence People except to

make a few excisions and add a few more contemporary

examples. The brash, breezy Carnegie style is intact-even

the thirties slang is still there. Dale Carnegie wrote

as he spoke, in an intensively exuberant, colloquial,

conversational manner.

So his voice still speaks as forcefully as ever, in the

book and in his work. Thousands of people all over the

world are being trained in Carnegie courses in increasing

numbers each year. And other thousands are reading

and studying How to Win Friends and lnfluence People

and being inspired to use its principles to better their

lives. To all of them, we offer this revision in the spirit

of the honing and polishing of a finely made tool.

Dorothy Carnegie

(Mrs. Dale Carnegie)

How This Book Was

Written-And Why

by Dale Carnegie

During the first thirty-five years of the twentieth century,

the publishing houses of America printed more

than a fifth of a million different books. Most of them

were deadly dull, and many were financial failures.

“Many,” did I say? The president of one of the largest

publishing houses in the world confessed to me that his

company, after seventy-five years of publishing experience,

still lost money on seven out of every eight books

it published.

Why, then, did I have the temerity to write another

book? And, after I had written it, why should you bother

to read it?

Fair questions, both; and I’ll try to answer them.

I have, since 1912, been conducting educational

courses for business and professional men and women

in New York. At first, I conducted courses in public

speaking only – courses designed to train adults, by actual

experience, to think on their feet and express their

ideas with more clarity, more effectiveness and more

poise, both in business interviews and before groups.

But gradually, as the seasons passed, I realized that as

sorely as these adults needed training in effective speaking,

they needed still more training in the fine art of

getting along with people in everyday business and social


I also gradually realized that I was sorely in need of

such training myself. As I look back across the years, I

am appalled at my own frequent lack of finesse and

understanding. How I wish a book such as this had been

placed in my hands twenty years ago! What a priceless

boon it would have been.

Dealing with people is probably the biggest problem

you face, especially if you are in business. Yes, and that

is also true if you are a housewife, architect or engineer.

Research done a few years ago under the auspices of the

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching

uncovered a most important and significant fact – a fact

later confirmed by additional studies made at the Carnegie

Institute of Technology. These investigations revealed

that even in such technical lines as engineering,

about 15 percent of one’s financial success is due to

one’s technical knowledge and about 85 percent is due

to skill in human engineering-to personality and the

ability to lead people.

For many years, I conducted courses each season at

the Engineers’ Club of Philadelphia, and also courses

for the New York Chapter of the American Institute of

Electrical Engineers. A total of probably more than fifteen

hundred engineers have passed through my

classes. They came to me because they had finally realized,

after years of observation and experience, that the

highest-paid personnel in engineering are frequently

not those who know the most about engineering. One

can for example, hire mere technical ability in engineering,

accountancy, architecture or any other profession

at nominal salaries. But the person who has

technical knowledge plus the ability to express ideas, to

assume leadership, and to arouse enthusiasm among

people-that person is headed for higher earning power.

In the heyday of his activity, John D. Rockefeller said

that “the ability to deal with people is as purchasable a

commodity as sugar or coffee.” “And I will pay more for

that ability,” said John D., “than for any other under the


Wouldn’t you suppose that every college in the land

would conduct courses to develop the highest-priced

ability under the sun? But if there is just one practical,

common-sense course of that kind given for adults in

even one college in the land, it has escaped my attention

up to the present writing.

The University of Chicago and the United Y.M.C.A.

Schools conducted a survey to determine what adults

want to study.

That survey cost $25,000 and took two years. The last

part of the survey was made in Meriden, Connecticut. It

had been chosen as a typical American town. Every

adult in Meriden was interviewed and requested to answer

156 questions-questions such as “What is your

business or profession? Your education? How do you

spend your spare time? What is your income? Your hobbies?

Your ambitions? Your problems? What subjects are

you most interested in studying?” And so on. That survey

revealed that health is the prime interest of adults

and that their second interest is people; how to understand

and get along with people; how to make people

like you; and how to win others to your way of thinking.

So the committee conducting this survey resolved to

conduct such a course for adults in Meriden. They

searched diligently for a practical textbook on the subject

and found-not one. Finally they approached one of

the world’s outstanding authorities on adult education

and asked him if he knew of any book that met the needs

of this group. “No,” he replied, “I know what those

adults want. But the book they need has never been


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Categories: Carnegie, Dale