Carolyn Keene. This Side of Evil

“There’s Dr. Dandridge,” George said excitedly as soon as they crossed the street.

Carrying a red plastic bag, the collar of his tan raincoat pulled up, the doctor was walking quickly across the plaza. He ducked around a knot of people standing in front of the column.

“Look!” Ned exclaimed. “He’s making the drop!” Glancing quickly around the square, the doctor dropped the bag into the open trash can and hurried away.

“Okay,” Nancy said. “Everybody watch closely! Our blackmailer’s bound to be here soon. He wouldn’t risk leaving that money in the trash can for very long.”

While they were watching, a large green bus pulled up just across the street, blocking their view.

“Come on!” Nancy exclaimed. “We’re going to have to get back across the street so we can see.”

Together, they started to cross the crowded street, slick now from the rain. They wove through the traffic single file.

At the end of the line, George looked over her shoulder. “Nancy! Ned!” she screamed. “Look out!”

Nancy, who was at the bus, turned and looked. Behind her, Ned gave a shout. A bright yellow Mercedes had just rounded the corner, its headlights glaring in the gathering dusk. It was headed straight for them!

Chapter Nine

Sucking in her breath, Nancy grabbed Ned and pulled him flat against the bus with herself. She felt a swoosh as the Mercedes brushed past them frighteningly close. A moment later it was gone, its taillights flickering around the corner.

George, who had moved in the opposite direction, asked, “Are you guys all right?”

“I’ll live,” Ned croaked. “Nancy, you okay?”

“Aside from being slightly squashed,” Nancy said, brushing a damp curl away from her face, “I’m fine. But that was too close!”

“Yeah!” George cried angrily. “What did that idiot woman think she was doing, anyway? Driving like that in rush-hour traffic! She could have killed us!”

“That,” Ned growled as they stepped onto the curb, “is exactly what she was trying to do.”

Nancy nodded. “I can see you’re thinking the same thing I am.”

George brightened. “The yellow Mercedes! Lake Sinclair! She’s no victim—she’s our blackmailer. She came to get the money and decided to get us as well.”

“Could be,” Nancy agreed. “From the glimpse I got of the driver, it looked as if she had long auburn hair.” Suddenly her head snapped up. “The money!” Nancy exclaimed and darted toward the trash can.

But it was too late. While Nancy, Ned, and George had been escaping from the yellow Mercedes, the money had vanished. The red plastic bag was nowhere in sight!

“Oh, no!” Nancy exclaimed, dejected. She dropped down on a bench beside the trash can, disappointment rushing through her. “This was our big chance to catch the blackmailer, and we blew it.”

“I don’t know about that,” Ned remarked, shoving his hands into his pockets. “It looks to me as if the whole thing was pretty carefully planned, and it went off just like clockwork. I have to admit,” he added with admiration, “that Lake Sinclair is a lot smarter than I thought she was.”

“Yeah,” Nancy said, nodding. “That brush with the car was timed exactly, to keep us busy while the money was picked up. But we’re forgetting one important thing.”

George frowned. “What’s that?”

“If the blackmailer was driving the car that nearly ran us down, who picked up the money?”

“You mean,” George said, pushing a wet brown curl out of her face, “that Lake Sinclair isn’t our blackmailer?”

“I didn’t say that,” Nancy said cautiously. “Maybe we’re up against a team.” She stood up. “Come on, you guys, we’ve got work to do.”

“Where to?” Ned asked, falling in step beside her as George hurried to catch up to them.

“To Lake Sinclair’s place,” Nancy said determinedly. She quickened her pace. “She may not be our blackmailer, but that yellow Mercedes is the hottest lead we’ve got.”

Through the wrought-iron gate, Nancy could see the yellow Mercedes parked in the shadowy brick courtyard beside Lake Sinclair’s.

“How do we get in?” George asked. She craned her neck to see through the gate. The courtyard was surrounded by a six-foot brick wall.

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn