Carolyn Keene. Hit and Run Holiday

“I . . . I’m not sure,” Nancy said, suddenly uncomfortable. “I don’t know what I’ll be doing tomorrow.”

“I understand,” Dirk replied with another charming, sympathetic smile. “But I’d really like to talk to you about all this.”

“Well, I’ll have to see.” Nancy frowned. Dirk seemed to have forgotten about Bess. It wasn’t exactly cool, she thought, to dump somebody so fast.

Bess obviously didn’t think it was too cool, either. Her eyes were flashing as she looked angrily at Dirk. Fortunately, George caught the look and decided that Bess better leave before she exploded. “Come on,” she said, “let’s get back to the hotel and change so we can go to the hospital.”

“All right,” Bess agreed.

“Hey, I’m free all morning tomorrow,” Dirk said softly to Nancy. “Why don’t I give you a call?”

Nancy felt more and more uncomfortable. She was just about to give Dirk a real brush-off, when he pulled her around to face him.

“I do know my way around Lauderdale,” he said seriously, and Nancy noticed his sexy smile was gone. “If we can get together—privately—I think I might be able to give you a few tips about this mystery. You want to help your friend, don’t you?”

“Of course I do!” Nancy said. “But right now, you’re the one who’s being mysterious. If you know something, why don’t you just tell me?”

Dirk shook his head. “I would, believe me, but it’s just not the right time or place. Besides, first I have to know everything you know.” Glancing past Nancy, Dirk seemed to see someone he recognized. He raised his arm in a greeting, then brought his hand down so that it was resting on the back of Nancy’s neck. It was like a caress, Nancy thought, but there was nothing romantic about the look in his eyes. “Tomorrow, right?” he asked intently.

Nancy wasn’t sure if Dirk was making a pass at her or if he really did know something about Kim. But she had to find out. “Okay,” she finally agreed. “Tomorrow.”

“Good.” Dirk’s smile returned, and giving Nancy’s neck a gentle squeeze, he sauntered off to meet whomever it was he’d waved to.

Nancy watched him for a second, then turned to catch up with George and Bess. George was almost at the street, but Bess hadn’t moved. She’d obviously been watching the whole thing, because she gave Nancy a confused look. Then she strode across the beach, completely ignoring the dozens of boys who tried to get her attention.

Nancy sighed and slipped off her sandals. She jogged across the warm sand toward Bess, trying to decide how to tell her that she didn’t like—or trust—Dirk Bowman one bit.

Nancy was only a few yards from Bess when she suddenly stopped short, completely forgetting about Bess and Dirk for the moment. In front of her was a lifeguard’s chair, and sitting in that chair was a handsome, bronze-skinned, dark-haired boy in a small black bathing suit. Nancy knew he was the guy she’d seen at the hit and run and rummaging around Kim’s hotel room not half an hour earlier.

Nancy hoped nobody was drowning at the moment, because the guy sure wouldn’t be any help—he couldn’t take his eyes off her.

The only place he’s seen you is at the hit-and-run scene, she reminded herself. He doesn’t know you were in that hotel room, watching him.

Tossing her hair back, Nancy curved her lips in a slow smile and walked over to the lifeguard’s chair.

“Hi, there,” the lifeguard said when she reached him.

“Hello.” Nancy noticed a small canvas beach bag at the foot of the chair. She would have given anything to see what was inside it. Still smiling, she said, “This is my first day in Lauderdale. Got any suggestions about how I should spend my time?”

The lifeguard raised his eyebrows. “Most people come here for the sun and the water,” he said, in a slight Hispanic accent. “Isn’t that what you came for?”

“Well, sure,” Nancy told him. “Sun, surf, and . . . new friends, right?”

“Maybe.” He gave her a teasing grin. “If you’re lucky.”

“Speaking of luck,” Nancy went on, “one of my friends ran into a bad streak of it this morning. Or rather, it ran into her.”

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Categories: Keene, Carolyn