Castaneda, Carlos – The Second Ring of Power

twelve feet away from her, a thing she could have easily done

with the width of her forearm, she also made me block the

view of her body, a thing which could not possibly be done

with just the width of her forearm.

Once she had hidden her entire body, all I was able to make

out was a silhouette of a forearm suspended in midair, bounc-

ing from one side of the room to the other, and at one point

I could hardly see the arm itself.

I felt a revulsion, an unbearable nausea. The bouncing fore-

arm depleted me of energy. I slid down on my side, unable

to keep my balance. I saw the arm falling to the ground. Jose-

fina was lying on the floor covered with garments, as if her

puffed-up clothes had exploded. She lay on her back with her

arms spread out.

It took a long time to get back my physical balance. My

clothes were soaked in perspiration. I was not the only one

affected. All of them were exhausted and drenched in sweat.

La Gorda was the most poised, but her control seemed to be

on the verge of collapsing. I could hear all of them, including

la Gorda, breathing through their mouths.

When I was in full control again everybody sat on her spot.

The little sisters were looking at me fixedly. I saw out of the

corner of my eye that la Gorda’s eyes were half-closed. She

suddenly rolled noiselessly to my side and whispered in my

ear that I should begin to make my moth call, keeping it up

until the allies had rushed into the house and were about to

take us.

I had a moment of vacillation. She whispered that there was

no way to change directions, and that we had to finish what

we had started. After untying her shawl from my waist, she

rolled back to her spot and sat down.

I put my left hand to my lips and tried to produce the tap-

ping sound. I found it very difficult at first. My lips were dry

and my hands were sweaty, but after an initial clumsiness, a

feeling of vigor and well-being came over me. I produced the

most flawless tapping noise I had ever done. It reminded me

of the tapping noise I had been hearing all along as a response

to mine. As soon as I stopped to breathe, I could hear the

tapping sound being answered from all directions.

La Gorda signaled me to go on with it. I produced three

more series. The last one was utterly mesmeric. I did not need

to intake a gulp of air and let it out in small spurts, as I had

been doing all along. This time the tapping sound came out

of my mouth freely. I did not even have to use the edge of

my hand to produce it.

La Gorda suddenly rushed to me, lifted me up bodily by

my armpits and pushed me to the middle of the room. Her

action disrupted my absolute concentration. I noticed that

Lidia was holding onto my right arm, Josefina to my left, and

Rosa had backed up against the front of me and was holding

me by the waist with her arms extended backward. La Gorda

was in back of me. She ordered me to put my arms behind

and grab onto her shawl, which she had looped around her

neck and shoulders like a harness.

I noticed at that moment that something besides us was

there in the room, but I could not tell what it was. The little

sisters were shivering. I knew that they were aware of some-

thing which I was unable to distinguish. I also knew that

la Gorda was going to try to do what she had done in don

Genaro’s house. All of a sudden, I felt the wind of the eye –

door pulling us. I grabbed onto la Gorda’s shawl with all my

strength while the little sisters grabbed onto me. I felt that

we were spinning, tumbling and swaying from side to side

like a giant, weightless leaf.

I opened my eyes and saw that we were like a bundle. We

were either standing up or we were lying horizontally in the

air. I could not tell which because I had no sensorial point of

reference. Then, as suddenly as we had been lifted off, we

were dropped. I sensed our falling in my midsection. I yelled

with pain and my screams were united with those of the little

sisters. The insides of my knees hurt. I felt an unbearable jolt

on my legs; I thought I must have broken them.

My next impression was that something was getting inside

my nose. It was very dark and I was lying on my back. I sat

up. I realized then that la Gorda was tickling my nostrils with

a twig.

I did not feel exhausted or even mildly tired. I jumped to

my feet and only then was I stricken by the realization that

we were not in the house. We were on a hill, a rocky, barren

hill. I took a step and nearly fell down. I had stumbled over

a body. It was Josefina. She was extremely hot to the touch.

She seemed to be feverish. I tried to make her sit up, but she

was limp. Rosa was next to her. As a contrast, her body was

icy cold. I put one on top of the other and rocked them. That

motion brought them back to their senses.

La Gorda had found Lidia and was making her walk. After

a few minutes, all of us were standing. We were perhaps half

a mile east of the house.

Years before don Juan had produced in me a similar experi-

ence but with the aid of a psychotropic plant. He seemingly

made me fly and I landed a distance from his house. At the

time, I had tried to explain the event in rational terms, but

there was no ground for rational explanations and, short of

accepting that I had flown, I had to fall back onto the only

two avenues left open: I could explain it all by arguing that

don Juan had transported me to the distant field while I was

still unconscious under the effect of the psychotropic alka-

loids of that plant; or by arguing that under the influence of

the alkaloids I had believed what don Juan was ordering me

to believe, that I was flying.

This time I had no other recourse but to brace myself for

accepting, on its face value, that I had flown. I wanted to in-

dulge in doubts and began to wonder about the possibilities

of the four girls carrying me to that hill. I laughed loudly,

incapable of containing an obscure delight. I was having a re-

lapse of my old malady. My reason, which had been blocked

off temporarily, was beginning to take hold of me again. I

wanted to defend it. Or perhaps it would be more appropriate

to say, in light of the outlandish acts I had witnessed and per-

formed since my arrival, that my reason was defending itself,

independently of the more complex whole that seemed to be

the me I did not know. I was witnessing, almost in the

fashion of an interested observer, how my reason struggled

to find suitable rationales, while another, much larger portion

of me could not have cared less about explaining anything.

La Gorda made the three girls line up. She then pulled me

to her side. All of them folded their arms behind their backs.

La Gorda made me do the same. She stretched my arms as

far back as they would go and then made me bend them and

grab each forearm as tightly as possible as close to the elbows

as I could. That created a great muscular pressure at the artic-

ulations of my shoulders. She pushed my trunk forward until

I was almost stooping. Then she made a peculiar birdcall.

That was a signal. Lidia started walking. In the darkness her

movements reminded me of an ice skater. She walked swiftly

and silently and in a few minutes she disappeared from my


La Gorda made two more birdcalls, one after the other,

and Rosa and Josefina took off in the same manner Lidia had.

La Gorda told me to follow close to her. She made one more

birdcall and we both started walking.

I was surprised at the ease with which I walked. My entire

balance was centered in my legs. The fact that I had my arms

behind my back, instead of hindering my movements, aided

me in maintaining a strange equilibrium. But above all what

surprised me the most was the quietness of my steps.

When we reached the road we began to walk normally. We

passed two men going in the opposite direction. La Gorda

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