Catherine Coulter – FBI 4 The Edge

“I honestly don’t think they’ll try anything in Edgerton, not when Alyssum Tarcher is our landlord and everybody knows we’re there and I’m protecting you. It’s our best cover.”

“They could shoot us down on Fifth Avenue. That’s not much more gall than trying to kill us on 101. This isn’t your assignment, Mac.”

“No, you’re right. It’s more than an assignment. This is about my sister. Give it up, Laura. Consider, you need me. Remember, I’m FBI. Now, I’ve got the beginnings of a plan. I’m calling two friends of mine in Washington, D.C., Savich and Sherlock, FBI agents.”

I had to call collect since I didn’t have enough coins for the pay phone. Thank God they were home. It took me fifteen minutes to cover all the ground.

When I returned to our table, I smiled down at Laura. “Our numbers are soon doubling. Sherlock and Savich will be here soon.”

When we reached the outskirts of Edgerton, I said, “We’ll need to stop by Tarcher’s house to get the key to Seagull Cottage. I won’t bait him, at least not yet. But he’ll know, Laura, he has to. I can’t imagine that Molinas has kept him out of the loop,”

It had started to drizzle again. Laura was beginning to shiver. I turned up the heater. “It’ll be better in a few minutes, I hope.”

“I’m fine.” She leaned back and petted Grubster’s head. She took him out of his carrier and he was sprawling his full length along the backseat, his nose pressed against Nolan’s cage.

Even the magnificent Tarcher mansion looked desolate in the thick dark rain. No hope for it, I thought, and sprinted from the car to the porch. I turned and waved to Laura to stay put, which she did.

Then I realized she was alone, vulnerable to attack. I dashed back through the rain to the Taurus, opened the door, drew my SIG Sauer, and handed it to her. “Keep it close,” I said, and closed the car door again.

A maid, who was dressed in jeans and a sweater, let me into the large foyer and asked me to wait. It was better that I drip on the marble than on the highly polished oak floors in the living room just beyond.

Cotter Tarcher was whistling as he came from the kitchen at the back of the house. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me.

“What’s going on? Have you found Jilly?”

“No. I’m here to get the Seagull Cottage key from your father. Laura Scott and I will be staying there for a while.”

“Why?” he asked, watching me drip on the floor. He was wearing sweats and running shoes. He was perfectly dry. I didn’t answer him, “Do both you and your father work here at home?”

“For the most part. I usually knock off about five o’clock to either go to the gym or out running. Why are you and Laura Scott staying at our cottage?”

“Because someone tried to kill her and it seems safer if she’s here, with me, than in Salem by herself. It’s a bit on the wet side to go running, isn’t it?”

“Yes. I’m working out downstairs in the gym. Where’s Laura Scott?”

“In the car.”

“Does she know Jilly?”

“Oh yes, she knows Jilly very well.”

Alyssum Tarcher came striding down the stairs off to my right. He looked arrogant and intelligent, his eyes at that moment maybe even harder than his son’s. He seemed somehow taller to me than he had just the night before.

“Agent MacDougal,” he said, and shook my hand. “Here’s the key to Seagull Cottage. I made sure the place was cleaned up and the phone works. Given this weather, I checked to make sure there’s heat as well. This Laura Scott, she’s with you?”

“Yes, waiting for me in the car. Since someone tried to kill her, she’s keeping my gun on her at all times.” I suppose I should have mentioned Grubster and Nolan, but you never knew about a landlord, and I didn’t want the pets to give him an excuse for us not to use his property. I thanked him and turned to leave.

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Categories: Catherine Coulter