Chanur’s Homecoming by CJ Cherryh

“Answer him, Jik.” And gods, come up with a good one.

I need you, Jik.

I can’t play this throw alone.

He moved. He lifted his head again. “Tc’a,” he said thickly.

“What about the tc’a?” Sikkukkut asked.

“I talk with. Lot scare’.” His hands slipped. He caught himself and lifted his head with an effort. “Knnn lot disturb. Humans come through knnn space. Maybe shoot at knnn ship.”


“Damn fool. Tc’a want keep knnn quiet. They want mahendo’sat make all quiet, quick. Tc’a lot mad with Ana. Talk me-talk me-want make knnn be quiet. I say tc’a- tc’a, you got help Sikkukkut. Fine fellow, Sikkukkut. So tc’a come with us to Kefk. But knnn-”

“The knnn took it.”

“Took. Don’t know why. Maybe want ask why come with us. Maybe want ask what we do. Knnn lot crazy. No know knnn mind. I tell Ana-he be crazy want talk to knnn. Make quiet, I tell Ana, you got make quiet. Knnn be disturb, I don’t know, don’t know, don’t know-”

Both hands went. He hit the arch of the chairlegs and hung there.

Pyanfar carefully took up her cup and sipped at it. Don’t think, don’t react, he’s not in pain now. Be cold and careful and don’t care. There’s no guarantee what the bastard’s going to do with either of us now he has what he wants. “That, I think, was the truth. It jibes with other things he’s said. Mahendo’sat have their own ways. And it’s very likely that Goldtooth is pursuing some contrary course, giving his Personage a second option. Unfortunately that course seems to involve helping Ehrran ruin me-friendship is worth something, hakkikt, but species-interest in Goldtooth’s case is a great deal more potent. He’ll be sorry to see me ruined and my influence broken-I was useful to him once; we even had a personal debt. But sorry is as far as it goes. Ehrran seems to him to have what he wants right now: influence in the han. Jik is pursuing a totally different course for the Personage they both serve-so Goldtooth wouldn’t work directly against Jik, in the interest of giving the Personage that double choice; but he’ll by the gods cut Jik’s throat when he thinks it’s come to crisis. And it will be crisis at Meetpoint, when we all go in there. That’s how Goldtooth will deal with the methane-folk: kill Jik and remove the one person who can deal with the tc’a-because Jik does work with them.” She took a second sip. “You told me back at Meetpoint, that one day I’d want revenge on my enemies. Pukkukkta. I had to look that word up. I know now what you offered me. You said at the same time that if I didn’t want it then, I’d want it later. That was before I knew my enemy was a bastard of a hani who was out to get me from the start. I’ll give you a hani word. Haura. Bloodfeud. Ehrran’s got that now, with me, with Chanur, with Geran and Chur Anify; and Haral and Tirun Araun have a grudge or two themselves. And I’ll get Rhif Ehrran if I have to go through Goldtooth and the stsho and the mahendo’sat and the humans to do it. Pukkukkta’s a cold emotion; haura’s a hot one; but that doesn’t mean it can’t last years. Am I making clear sense? However long it takes, I’ll get her.”

“You make sense, hunter Pyanfar.”

“Tahar also has a bloodfeud with Ehrran. And Tahar interests are linked to mine. I’m her only hope of recovering her reputation. And her power.”

“That also makes sense.”

“I also have a certain matter to settle with Goldtooth. A personal matter. And Jik is the best leverage on that. That’s why I want him.”

“No kif would be as forward.”

“No kif can offer you what I do.”

There was a soft clicking about her, a stirring; and the guns were still live.

“What do you offer?”

“An alliance with non-kif.”

“Kkkt.” Sikkukkut placed his hands on the chair, lifting his jaw. “Where is it?”

“Lying in that chair; and sitting in this one. And neither’s inconsequential. Neither’s without ties that go far beyond one ship and a small authority. Give me Jik and give me Aja Jin, and I’ll use him to settle with Goldtooth and Rhif Ehrran. A weapon in my hand is a weapon in yours.”

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J