CHASE By Dean R. Koontz

Chase said, “How is it that you remember him in such detail?”

Brown smiled, picked up the pen, put it down, and toyed with the ledger as he said, “Evenings and weekends during the summer, my wife and I run The Footlight. It’s a legitimate theater in town – you might even have attended a play there when you were in school. Anyway, I take a role in most of our productions, so I’m always studying people to pick up expressions, mannerisms.”

“You must be very good on stage by now,” Chase said.

Brown blushed. “Not particularly. But that kind of thing gets in your blood. We don’t make much money on the theater, but as long as it breaks even, I can indulge myself.”

Returning to his car, Chase tried to picture Franklin Brown on stage, before an audience, his hands trembling, his face paler than ever; his compulsion to handle things might be exacerbated by being in the spotlight. Perhaps it was no mystery why The Footlight didn’t show much profit.

In the Mustang, Chase opened his notebook and looked over the list that he’d made earlier, trying to find something that indicated that Judge might actually be Eric Blentz, a saloon owner. No good. Didn’t anyone who applied for a liquor license have to be fingerprinted as a matter of routine? And a man who owned a thriving business like the Gateway Mall Tavern probably wouldn’t drive a Volkswagen.

There was one way to find out for sure. He started the car and drove back toward the city, wondering what sort of reception he would get at the Gateway Mall Tavern.


THE TAVERN DECOR WAS SUPPOSED TO BE REMINISCENT OF AN ALPINE INN: low beamed ceilings, rough white plaster walls, a brick floor, heavy darkpine furniture. The six windows that faced onto the mall promenade were leaded glass the color of burgundy, only slightly translucent. Around the walls were upholstered booths. Chase sat in one of the smaller booths toward the rear of the place, facing the bar and the front entrance.

A cheerful apple-cheeked blonde in a short brown skirt and lowcut white peasant blouse lit the lantern on his table, then took his order for a whiskey sour.

The bar was not especially busy at six o’clock; only seven other patrons shared the place, three couples and a lone woman who sat at the bar. None of the customers fit the description that Brown had given Chase, and he disregarded them. The bartender was the only other man in the place, aging and bald, with a potbelly, but quick and expert with the bottles and obviously a favorite with barmaids.

Blentz might not frequent his own tavern, of course, though he would be an exception to the rule if that was the case. This was largely a cash business, and most saloon owners liked to keep a watch on the till.

Chase realized that he was tense, leaning away from the back of the booth, his hands curled into fists on the table. He settled back and forced himself to relax, since he might have to wait hours for Blentz.

After the second whiskey sour, he asked for a menu and ordered a veal chop and a baked potato, surprised to be hungry after the meal that he’d had at the drive-in joint earlier.

After dinner, shortly after nine o’clock, Chase finally asked the waitress if Mr. Blentz would be in this evening.

She looked across the now-crowded room and pointed at a heavyset man on a stool at the bar. “That’s him.”

The guy was about fifty, weighed well over two hundred and fifty pounds, and was four or five inches shorter than the man in Franklin Brown’s description.

“Blentz?” Chase asked. “You’re sure?”

“I’ve worked for him two years,” the waitress said.

“I was told he was tall, thin. Blond hair, sharp dresser.”

“Maybe twenty years ago he was thin and a sharp dresser,” she said. “But he couldn’t ever have been tall or blond.”

“I guess not,” Chase said. “I guess I must be looking for another Blentz. Could I have the bill, please?”

He felt like Nancy Drew again, rather than Sam Spade. Of course, Nancy Drew did solve every case – and generally, if not always, before anyone was killed.

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Categories: Koontz, Dean