Cherryh, CJ – Merchanters Luck

papers ready for inspection.”

He reached for com. “Pell customs, this is Stevens of Lucy. We’ve come in

without cargo due to a scheduling foulup at Viking. You’re welcome to check my

holds. I’m Wyatt’s Star Combine. I’m carrying just ship-consumption goods.

Papers are ready.” He tried to gather his nerves to face official questions,

suddenly recalled the gold stored in a drop panel in the aftmost hold, and his

stomach turned over. He reached and opened the docking access in answer to a

blinking light and a repeated request from dock crews on the shielded-line

channel, and his ears popped from the slight pressure change as the hatch

opened. “Sorry, Pell dock control. Didn’t mean to miss that adjustment. I’m a

little tired.”

A pause. “Lucy, this is Pell Dock Authority. Are you all right aboard? Do you

need medical assistance?”

“Negative, Pell Dock Authority.”

“Query why solo?”

He was too muddled to think. “Just limped in, Pell Dock.” The fear was back, a

knot clenched in the vicinity of his stomach. “This is a hired-crew ship. My

last crew met relatives on Viking and ran out on me. I had no choice but to take

her out myself; and I couldn’t get cargo. I limped in all right, but I’m pretty


There was a long silence. It frightened him as all thoughtful reactions did, and

sent a charge of adrenalin through him. “Congratulations, then, Lucy. Lucky you

got here at all. Any special assistance needed?”

“No, ma’am. Just want a sleepover. Except—is Reilly’s Dublin at dock? Got a

friend I want to find.”

“That’s affirmative on Dublin, Lucy. Been in dock two days. Any message?”

“No, I’ll find her.”

A silence. “Right, Lucy. We’ll want to talk to you about dock charges, but we

can do the paperwork tomorrow if you’re willing to leave your ship under Pell

Security seal.”

“Yes, ma’am. But I need to come by your exchange and arrange credit”

A pause. “That was WSC, Lucy?”

“Wyatt’s Star, yes, ma’am. A twenty, that’s all. Just a drink, a sandwich, and a

place to sleep. Want to open an account for WSC at Pell. Transfer of three

thousand Union scrip. I can cover it.”

Another pause. “No difficulty, Lucy. You just leave her open all the way and

we’ll put our own security on it while customs checks her. What’s your Alliance


Apprehension flooded through him, rapid sort in a tired brain. “Don’t have that,

Pell Dock. I’m fresh from Unionside.”

“Unionside number, then.”


“686-543-5608. Got you clear, then, Lucy, on temporary. Personal name?”

“Stevens. Edward Stevens, owner and captain.”

“Luck to you, Stevens, and a pleasant stay.”

“Thank you, ma’am.” He reached a trembling hand for the board, broke contact and

shut down everything, put a lock on comp and on the log; and already in the back

of his mind he was calculating, about the gold, about turning that with a little

dock-side trade, a little deal off the manifest, very quiet, putting the profit

into account, making it look right. There were ways. Dealers who would fake a

bill. It might be good here. Might be the place he had hoped to find. And


She was here.

He hauled himself out of the cushion and walked back to the access lift at the

side of the lounge, opened the hatch below and got a waft of mortally cold air.

He got a jacket from the locker, shrugged it on and patted his coveralls pocket

to be sure he had the papers, then committed himself and took the lift down into

the accessway, got out facing the short dingy corridor to the lock, and the

yellow lighted gullet of the station access tube at the end. He shivered

convulsively, zipped his jacket, and walked down and through the tube into the

noise of the dock and the thumping of the machinery that was busy blowing out

Lucy’s small systems.

Customs was there. Police were. A noisy horde of stationers beyond the customs

barrier, a crowd, a riot. He stopped in the middle of the access ramp with the

customs agents walking toward him—neat men in brown suits with foreign insignia.

His expression betrayed shock an instant before he realized it and tried to

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Categories: Cherryh, C.J