Child, Lee. Running blind

The thin guy nodded. “We’re assuming the paint will be dried hard on the

top surface, maybe an inch, inch and a half. If we cut it away from the tub

enamel all around we should be able to slide a body bag in and scoop her out.” “Good,” Stavely said. “Keep as much paint around her as you can. I don’t

want her disturbed.”

The technician hurried out and Stavely followed him, evidently assuming

the other four would file out behind him, which they did, with Reacher last

in line.


/Iff pathology lab was no different from the others Reacher had seen. It was a large low .space, brightly lit by an illuminated ceiling. The walls and the floor were white tile. In the middle of the room was a large examination table sculpted from gleaming steel. The table had a drain canal pressed into the center. The drain was plumbed straight into a steel pipe running down through the floor. The table was surrounded by a cluster of wheeled carts loaded with tools.

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Categories: Child, Lee